Page 1566 - 1970S

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PEACE at Last?
The year 1972 was a milestone. Traditional al–
liances were weakened¡ traditional animosities
were cooled. And in Vietnam
an unexpected
turn of events. What does it al/ mean?
Richard Nixon
srunned che world in 1972
with his unprecedented sum–
mir conference wirh Communist Chi–
nese leaders. The apparenr success of
his venture immediarely spurred fresh
hopes for a new, worldwide era of
harmony and undersranding.
And rhen che U.S.S.R., hasry ro ger
inro che acc, welcomed Mr. Nixon in
Moscow only a few short weeks afrer
his historie rrip ro rhe Chinese main–
The nororious "Cold War" seemed
ro rhaw visibly as Moscovires and
Americans amicably shook hands and
signed agreemenrs on a number of
imporranr issues.
Summirry in Europe Too
One of rhe mosr significanr inter–
nacional evenrs of 1972 was che Ocro-
Richa rd C. Peterson
ber Common Marker summir in
Paris, France. This historie conclave
marked renewed efforrs by Common
Marker member nacions - now num–
bering nine - ro reach agreemenrs
on common problems affecring them
and ro arrain a grearer degree of uniry
among rhemselves.
Bur rhe rime has nor yer come for
such a powerful aUiance ro coalesce,
though rhe facr rhar ir will is cerrain.
All chis summirry was underraken
wirh the avowed hope of seeking ro
usber in a new age of world peace and
undersranding berween narions. Bur,
unforrunarely, peace as we conceive of
iris a capriciously elusivc dream.
Where are all rhese diplomaric ma–
neuvers and changes in governments
raking us? Will Wesr Germany's
recognirion of Red China, or
a remporary "holding parrern" in rhe
rimeless Middle Easr srruggle bring
che world rhe just and
peace ir
so badly needs?
Our world, somehow, seems ro be
quiering down jusr a li rrle. T he Cold
War berween rhe U.S.S.R. and che
Unired Srates has rhawed ro rhe poinr
where the rwo former anragonisrs
have ser up new lines of rrade. Now
the United Srares
wiUing ro sell che
Soviets highly rechnical informarion
in areas such as the compurer indus–
Nor very long ago, ir would have
seemed almosr criminal in many cir–
cles ro suggesr rhar mainland China
should be admirred ro rhe Unired Na–
rions. Today ir is a full member, and
Wesrern rourists are eager ro apply
for visas ro rour chis mysrerious land.
And ar rimes roe vaguesr whisper
of peace can even be heard in che ex-
Koichiro Morito - Wide World Photo