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rhc amazing advances in che knowl–
edge of modern asrronomy. millions
are srill srar-srruck over asrrology. and
rhe legions of irs believers are swell–
ing. Asrrologr is making a phenome–
nal resurgence. even in rhe modern
world of rechnology and science.
Bur why ? Whar is behind rhe srar–
ding upsurge of interese in asrrology
in our sophisricared, scienrific age?
\Xfhar's Behind Asrrolog y?
Jeane Dixon. a lcading asrrologer
and psychic, has made some remark–
able prcclictions, as well as severa!
egrcgious bl unders. She pred icrecl. for
example, rhe assassin:nio n of Prcsi–
denr .John
Kcnnecly. as well as rhe
scarr of World War
sbe crrcd on rhe larrer.
Bur whar abour rhe predicrions of
psychics. which have somerimes been
remarkablr accurarc? Cerrainly rhey
had norhing
do wirh rhe move–
menrs of rhe planees in rheir orbirs.
Bm wcre rhC)' merelv due ro chance?
or neccssa rilv. Leading para–
across rhe Unired Sraces
have experimenced and found evi–
dence for che exisrence of a '·spirir
world." Taped recordings of "voices''
from che unknown have been made
and aircd ovcr relcvision
mass au·
dien ces.
Millions of people have become
fasc inared by rhe un known - rhe
srrange - rhe bizarre. 1r is cerrainly
possible rhar some unerr ing proph·
ecics have bcen inspired by conracr
wirh rhe spirir wor ld.
The Bible irsclf speaks of one sueh
insrancc, in rhe case of King Saul of
Israel who visired a wirch ar Endor ro
find out rhc ourcomc of an upcoming
barde wirh rhe Philisrines. The Bibli–
cal accounr relates rhar
wirch con–
racred a spirir masc¡ucrading as rhc
prophcr Samuel. and rhe spirir - a
demon - procceded ro rcll Saul rhar
he would die in rhe barde and rhar
Israel would be defeared. The proph·
ecy. as ir rurncd out. carne to pass
unerringly (see I Samucl28. 31). (For
more informarion on rhe subjccr of
spirirism and whar rhc Bible says
abour ir, wnre for our free arricle
·'Spirirism - Fraud ... or Facr?" Ir
examines rhe subjecr rhoroughly.)
The fad of asrrologv is ried in wirh
rhe subjecr of spirirism and rhc occulr
world. 1r is parr and paree! wi rh rhe
resurgcnce of interese in occulrism in
rhe \Xfesrern world ami rhe Unired
The Occulr Explosion
Why are we in rhe midsr of an oc–
cuJr explosion, roday, in our rech–
nological worlcl> Dr. Jan Ehrenwald,
psychia rrisr and psychoanalysr in New
York, known fo r his srudies of relepa·
rhy, says rha r rhere are rwo reasons fo r
rhis ri se of inreresr: ·'Onc rcason is
rhar culrurally, we are in a crisis siru–
arion. We are going rhrough a crisis
of values. The tendency ro cultural
regression. ro regress ro a more primi·
rive leve! of menraliry. has occurred
under such condirions rhroughour
··Anorher reason is rhar people
have become less embarrassed. less ret·
icenr. abour bringing up rhcsc rhings.
Toda\' rhe belief in rhe occulr clocsn'r
hide as ir did bcfore. Pariencs darc ro
ask c¡ucsrions of rheir rherapisrs rhar
rhey were asharned
ask bcfore.
They have rhe gu rs
ro say
rhey believe
in wi rchcrafr, asrro logy or the Tarot
Dr. Ehrenwald considers rhis revi–
va! of inreresr in rhe occulr parr of rhe
social parhology of OLir rime. Tradi–
cional values are eroding. Oldcr con·
ceprs of good or cvil are no longcr
raken for granred. Says Dr. Ehrcn–
wald: ·'Jf God is dead. if rhe Bible has
been demyrhologizcd. where should
we rurn for guidancc! Our young
pcople in particular have losr rheir
confidence in rhe aurhoriry of rhcir
parenrs. clergy. and reachcrs. Thcv fecl
rhar mosr valucs - rcligious. csrheric,
parrioric - are phom·. Thc\ are dcs–
perately looking for sornerhing ncw.
for a 'counrer-culmre.' however ourra–
geous or bizarre ir ma\' be."
The modern world is cxpcriencing
such rapid change, resulcing in cul·
rure shock, or furure shock, as one :tu·
rhor described ir. rhar large numbcrs
are rurning nor ro rruth. bur roSaran–
ism, occulrism. wirchcrafr and asrrol–
ogy ro seek answers.
is parr of rhe
lunacv of our rimes.
Modern-day Lunacy
Asrrology. of course, is a very an–
cienr belief. alrhough modern asrrolo–
gers have dressed ir up in modern
rrappings, including compurer prinr–
ours of horoscopes. The fact remains,
however. rhar asrrology is nor scien–
tific - not a real science. The srars
and planees do nor ·'govern" a man's
business or !ove life. Astro logy does
nor conrain rhe answers ro rhe funda–
mental c¡uesrions of life.
The currenr asrrological boom is a
pendulurn swing away from a mere
marerialisric view of life.
is a rebc-1-
lion against scienrism, over–
mcchanizarion. overcrowding and
rradirional values. The mvrh of rhe
diviniry of science and rechnocracy
has been overrhrown and rcplaced br
rhe myrh of asrrology and occulrism.
Bur rhc\'. roo, will nor providc rhe
answcrs rhar sociery seeks.
There is only one source for rhc an·
ro life's fundamental quesrions,
bur ir has been consisrenrly ignored.
ovcrlooked or misinrerprered (rou
would be surprised ar how ofren rhe
larrer has occurred). That sou rce -
rhe Bible - has been quored ofren in
rhis arr iclc since ir speaks our un·
equivocally abour rhe bel ief in asrrol–
ogv. The Bible plainlv explains why
somerimes predicrions based on as–
rrology. or rhe occulr. have come ro
The Bible. indeed, is a remarkable
book. Ir explained rhe fallaC\• of as–
rrology long before modern science
carne ro rhe same conclusion. Bur ir
goes farrher. Ir provides rhe answers
ro fundamental quesrions of life
which neicher asrrology nor modern
science can supplr.
lf rou wanr ro know whar life is
reallr all abour. forger horoscopes.
Srudy your Bible. In ir you will find
revealed che true way ro life, happi·
ness and abundanr success. D
PLAIN TRUTH December 1972