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declared. "You ger a
for ir."
Bur how does she cell wherher che
of planees ar
a pcrson's birth wi ll be favorable or
She answcrs: Generall v, if rhrce
planees form
aparr. ar che momenr of birth. or if
severa! planees are
degrees apare,
che pcrson was boro under beneficent
signs. Bur if rhe planees form a sguarc
and lie
dcgrecs apare rhar pcrson
can also cxpecr difliculrv. conflicr, and
a consranr sourcc of irrirarion. On che
ochcr hand. if rhe planees lic
grees aparr. in opposi tion, che person
can also cxpecr rnajor difliculr ies in
life. lf rhe slow, heavy planees -
as Jupiecr and Sarurn - predominare
ara person's birrh. che individual can
expecr a lifc of long rroublc. diseasc.
and rcvcrscs.
How do che planees exerr an in–
fluence in rhc lives of people on
earrht The visible planees
sec, the
material planees, are, she declares, noe
bodies. T hey also have an
"erhric" bodv, which is invisible, or
which mighr be desccibed as "spiri–
cual." lr is che erhric or invisible bodv
of che planees which asrrologers be–
lieve influcnccs che dailv lives and ac–
riviries of human beings. According
chis particular asrrologer. che spiri–
rual forces emanaring from rhe plan–
ees migbr be compared ro invisible
su nlighr. If you lie roo long in rhc
sun, you become sunburned;
vou werc born under cerrain planerarv
signs. your life will be "burned." you
will surfer consranr probkms. and
chere will be very lirtle rou can do
abour ir.
Savs chis same ascrologer. che srars
are acruall}' living beings. This
provcd by che facr rhat rhey are con–
stantly in rnocion. (Apparently che
logic is rhac rhi ngs which movc muse
also be alive.) In orher words, she
savs. che ancienrs were righr afrcr
\XIhar connccrion does asrrology
have wirh orher
of che oc–
culr? Said rhis Porrland. Oregon as–
rrologcr. "Of course chey are all
PLAIN TRUTH December 1972
connecced. I would likc
sce asrrol–
ogy taughr in che firsc grade. Peoplc
could avoid a loe of rrouble in rheir
lives if everybody was bis own as–
Asr rological symbols llave occulc
significa nce. Asrro logy, pa lmisrn·. rhe
kabbala. ra ror cards. mediums and
mvscicism are all inrcrrdaced and in–
rcrdependenr. The woman a\rrologer
whose sror.· is rold here admirred she
was firsc inreresred in palmisrry and
alchemv. Bur when she ran into as–
rro logy. ever.•rhing "clicked. ' ' "This
Does ascrology hold che answers ro
che supreme guesrions of life? Asrrol–
ogy, she claims. reaches people ro
work wirh whar rher are p;iven.
rcaches chem ro transmute bad in–
fluences inro good. Proper use of
rhese inAucnces will mitigare a loe of
unhappiness in people's lives. Yer, she
says. alrhough ascrology can be uscd
in mundane affairs. people don'r have
much free moral a.e;ency. Ofren rhey
muse simply "ridc rrou ble rhrough.
rhings will pass."
The ult imare purpose of asrrology•,
asserrs chis woman. is ro rcach people
work on rhemsclves, ro "know
rhvself'' as che philosophers said. and
ger rhe ··bugs" out of you. lr's
all pare of che '"wheel of life. rhe cyclc
of reincarnarion, and che whole pur–
pose of life is to escape char endless
Whac Makes an Astrologcr
T ick?
What leads inrelligent rnen and
women ro believe in chis kind of as–
rrological lore? Whv do inrelligcnr,
educared people become a:.rrologers?
There are. undoubredlv. many rea–
sons. Firsr. of course, rhere are rhose
who do nor rea lly bclicvc in ic. They
re che frauds. Bu
rhcy sce in rhe as–
rrolog\' boom an opporrunirv ro capi–
ralize upon ir and makc monev. To
rhem ir is a commercial enrerprise par
Then. of course. rherc are millions
who follow rhe asrrolo¡n columns,
bur have a wondering. rhough doubr-
ing. acritud<:. Thcy neirher belicvc,
nor srron,gly disbelieve. bur are curi–
ousiY inrcrcsred.
There are also devouc asrrology
bufls - thosc who li ke ro chink they
bel ieve rhat
scars and planees con–
trol che faces of men and women. Per–
haps sorne of rhem have read che
horoscopes and have noted coinci–
denc<::s - sorne vague predicrion ac–
mallv seemed ro come rrue - and
chey becamc convinced rhat rhere
really was somcrhing ro asrrologv. On
chis basis rhey dcvoudv believe it
But rhere is more ro ir rhan rhat. Ir
is now recognizcd rhar rhe sun and
che moon do have cercain effecrs on
life on che carrh. The gravirarional
forces of rhesc hcavenlv bodies nor
onlv affecr che earrh's rorarion and
revolurion around che sun, bur also
rhe rides, w<.'arher parrerns. and even
ro sorne exrenr, ccrrain resulranr emo–
cional and rsychological patterns.
A rwo-year medica! srudy by a
ream of psychiarric rcsearchers has es–
cablished a scienrific relarionship be–
rween phascs of che moon and che
murder rare in Florida's Dade
Counrv. Dr. Arnold
Lieber, a se–
nior residenr in psychiarry ar che Uni–
versirv of .Miami's medical school.
said rhar a chart of Miami arca homi–
cides coincided remarkablv wirh a
clurr of ocean ti des.
Using a cornpucer, rhe ream ana–
lyzed nearlv
murders berween
The srudv showed
char che murdcr rare began
hours befare che full moon.
reached a peak ar che full moon and
rhen dropped again. A sccondary peak
was reached ar che new moon.
Lieber suggcsrs rhar wh.ile che ef–
fecr of che moon's graviry and/ or
lighr may be small on human beings,
ir may be cnough ro rrigger emo–
cional insrabi liry in borderline
These are rcasons why some in–
relligenr men and women hasrily con–
elude rhat rhe physical universc is
imbued wirh "erhric" or "Spirirual''