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Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
Buckle Up When Flying
Ck:ar-air turbulencc, frequendy cncouncered phenomc–
non when flying, recendy resulted in 26 injuries - 5 of
rhem serious - aboard a 747 jet. Lacerarions, back and
chesr injuries. and broken bones
The rurbulencc appeared roo suddenly ro provide an
adequace warning. Shortly afrer che '·Fascen Your Sear–
belr'· sign was Aashed, rhe plane flew into whac was appar–
cndy mild air rurbulence ar 31,000 feer. Passcngers in che
front were hardly rufficd, whilc rhose in rhe "coach
lounge" wcre violently rossed abour. Only one of rhe 26
injured passengers was wearing a searbelr ac che rime of
che rurbulencc.
The obvious lesson from rhis occurrencc is rhar ic
makes "plane" sense ro fasren your searbelr immediarely
when rhe sign or che pilor direcrs. Bur rhc Nacional
Transporrarion Safery Board's Bureau of Aviarion Safery
goes even further. Ir recommends thar you keep your sear–
belr snugly fasrened ar al! rimes during rhe flighr. This
provides prorection againsr a suelden unexpecred encoun–
cer wirh rurbulence.
Such suelden shocks also bring inro quesrion che very
exisrencc of srand-up flighr lounges. Are rhcy worrh che
risk? Man)' seasoned fliers say rhey feel less rired and ener·
vared afrer a Aighr if rhey sray buckled in rheir seat
rhroughour rhe flight. The reason
Searbelrs aid good posrure.
Breast Feed lf at All Possibl e
Morhcr's milk is rhe natural food for a baby. Ir is
convenienr - no messv and incricacc formulas ro bothcr
with. !r is alwa\'S rcadily available. ar jusr rhe righr
remperarurc. when che babr gers hungr)'. The benefirs of
brease fecding are somerhing
prospective morher
should considcr.
Br<.>asr-fed babies receivc special prorccrion against
infecrions because of narural antibodies found in mother's
Breast-fcd babies sulfcr far lcss ofrcn from atlergies
and serious digesti ve upsccs and disorders.
Consriparion is nor a problem wirh babies
as it somcrimes is wirh formula-fcd babies.
Brease feeding enhances the bones of a baby's facc.
head, and jaws. This is importanr ter aesrheric. prorecri ve.
and functional reasons.
PlAIN TRUTH December 1972
Breasr feeding acruatlv helps a mocher ro have a
becrer figu re sooner, following che birrh of a bab)' ·
Brease feeding reduces brease cancer risk.
Breasr feeding gives a child a feelinp. of securirr. and
a morher a more complete tccling of fulfitlment as a
This is nor ro say rhar a babv cannoc
healrlw or
secure if formula fed by borde. Bur no matter how rou
look ar ir. modern baby formulas are onh• second bese.
A worrhwhile book on brease feeding is
The 117om–
rt of Breastjeedin,g.
La Leche L<.>aguc
Inrernational. Check wirh vour local libmn for anv num–
ber of orhers.
Exercise! Who Needs lt?
Everrbodr nccds sorne form of cxercise. Why?
Becausc proper cxercise is imporcanr ro a healchy hearr,
efficienr lungs. and a sound muscular sysrem. Bcncfirs
include improvcd
lcss exccss fat, good muscle
rone rhroughour che bodv. fewer rensions. and a berree
overatl appearance. Lack of cxcrcise conrribures ro obesirv.
arhcrosclerosis (a form of hardening of rhe arrerics). and
ischemic hearr discase.
Exercise. of course. is noc a disease prevenrion
panacea. There are roo many ochcr important facrors ro
consider: significanc ovcrweighr, whcther or not vou
smokc, high blood pressurc. whar you car. Too much
excrcisc in facr can be derrimcnral ro healrh. Bur moderare
exercisc is parr of rhe overatl picrure of preYenrion and
does profir a lirrl<:. ·'For bodil)' exercisc prolirerh [for a]
lirrle ... "
:8). Those who have a sedenrary rvpe
of emplo\·menr especialh· need sorne form of exercise.
Whar rrpe of cxercise vou should enga,ge in depends
on vour age and condirion and vour likes and dislikcs. An
oldcr. our-of-condirion pcrson should obviouslv not
launch inro compctitive sporrs or heavv sporrs acrivirics.
That would be courring danger. He or shc should starr
our wirh lighr activiries such as walking or bicycling atan
easv pace, lighr
or canoeing slowly. pirching
horscshoes. plavin,g golf. archerr. and bowling and rhcn
build up ro moderare acrivities. There are man\·
gct sorne form of nceded excrcise. Ever rhink of using
srairs instcad of dcvarors or walking whcn possiblc. rarher
rhan riding?