Page 1535 - 1970S

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"Jesus went up to Jerusolem ... and
found in the temple those thot
sold ... and drove them all out ... "
(John 2: 13-15). Arrow shows existing
arenes of the Triple Gates on the South
Wall through which Jesus may well
have driven the money chongers
Coins for Sacrifrce (Korbon)? - Top
three pagan coins were forbidden in
the Temple. lower Jewish or Tyrian
coins were permitted. Money changers
made the exchonge. Jesus drove the
money changers out for their exorbitant
exchange rotes (right).
Right, Gubb
Ploin Truth
PLAIN TRUTH December 1972
Temple arca. The scricc Pharisaical
parry among che Jews rhoughr ir was
a sin co picrure any human or animal
form. Jesus himself showed elsewhere
in che gospel accouncs char such a
rigid inrerprecacion was noc specifi–
callr required by using just such a
coin wich Caesar's image on ic.
Thc money changers were there for
che business of exchanging che hea–
chen coinage for less offensive local
coins, or for chose from Caesarea and
Tyre. Jesus' anger Aared out ar rhem
nor because rhey were handling che
money bur because of rheir outra–
geous rate of exchange, perhaps as
much as a third of what che coins
were worch. To Him, rhey were mak–
ing a profic in che name of God by
The Temptation Relived
Ar che southeasrern comer of che
wall of che Temple Mounr, chere is
anocher fascinacing reminder chat one
is walking on che very ground where
many of che New Testamenr evenrs
cook place - che Temple's pinnade,
associaccd wich che Devil's cempca–
rion ofJesus.
In rhe New Tescamenc record,
Sacan rook Jesus from rhe wilderness
of .Judaea ro a high pinnacle .of rhe
Temple (a high rower or bacclemenc
ac the southeasc comer) and dared
Him ro jump off. Old. Testament