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Why the U.N. Conference on
Environment failed to come
to grips with the global
Brusscls, Belgium
you had been in Stock–
holm in June 1972. You would
have seen represencatives of 114
of rhe world's governmenrs assembled
a major conference abour rhe
earth's environmenral problems. They
would be, you mighr well suppose,
serious-minded indjviduals - selecred
or elecred for rheir comperence, loy–
alry and renaciry - meeting rogether
for long hours ro work out major
Why not sir in on one of rhe com–
mirree meecings rypical of most rhar
rranspired during the 11-day confer–
Nor Whar
Twenry minutes after che sched–
uled 10 a.m. meeting was ro begin,
che committee chairman opens in
Spanish, giving a rundown of che
various irems and declararions to be
covered. He then recognizes "rhe
honorable delegare" of rhe Federal
PLAIN TRUTH December 1972
pollution crisis!
Ray Kosanke
Republic of Germany (each speaker is
recognized as "the honorable dele–
gare") , who wants ro add a line ro rhe
original srarement of purpose made in
rhe day's agenda and ar rhe same time
ro declare his approval of rhe state–
ment .
Next. rhe represenrative of Senegal
spcaks, desiring ro alrer a line. India
rhen comes forrh, also wishing ro
changc a line.
delegare from Pcru
comes our wirh a long staremenr dis–
agreeing with che original staremenr
of inrenr. He asks ro be allowed
presenr a paper on rhe marrer. Ecua–
dor adds a suggesrion.
Then Italy supports Wesr Ger–
many's earlier pcoposal and desires ro
see a betrer channel of communica–
rion established among the Mediterra–
nean countries. Lesorho is given rbe
floor and wanrs ro substirute the
words "low cose" for "suirable" in
the lasr subparagraph on rhe firsr page
of rhe agenda statemenr. France wants
ro substirute rhe word "networks" for
rhe word "cenrers." Finland and Ar–
gentina say rhey are unhappy because
they can't hear the rranslarion - due
ro rbe noise pollution on the f:loor of
rhe chamber! Malta wanrs ro quit
ra lking abour words and have an in–
formal discussion abour rhe Medirer–
chair's response is, "Pur ir
inro a wrirren proposal."
Nigeria wanrs to stop rhe session
and wait for rhe morníng's commenrs
and changes ro be rranslared and wrir–
ren out. Bolivia and Spain follow,
sraríng rhat soil conservarion
shouldn'r be forgorren. Algeria qucs–
rions wherher rhe purpose of this con–
ference ís ro degenerare ínro a
subregional discussion. Furrhermore,
Algeria wanrs ro discuss politics,
namely rhe naval flcers presenr in rhe
Meru rerranean.
Singapore, Pakisran, Mexíco, Gua–
temala, Canada, the Uniced Srates,
Wesr Gcrmany, Norway, Swirzerland,