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fully will follow
che Soucheasr
Asían area. Nacurally trade wirh Red
China would be wekomed by Indo–
nesia, even as che Unired Sraces, ]a–
pan, Britain, France and orher
Western indusrrialized narions are
seeking ir.
Presidenc Suharro made ir very
plain ro me rhar his guard was up' He
emphasized rhar he views all moves
and sracemenrs made by che People's
Republic of China as being made, ar
leasr in pare, for purposes inconsisrenr
wirh rhose srared, or ar leasr implied.
He is very conscious of che under–
lying motives and goals of Commu–
nism, and of irs merhods - tbe
overchrow of
a/1 other govemments.
However, he srressed che facr thar
rhe rhrear ro his counrry of subver–
sion from
for che present, is
far greater than che rhrear from wi eh–
out. He menrioned a number of rimes
how diligenr he muse be in his own
counrry against subversion and Com–
munisr propaganda, because of che
presence of abour one-and-a-half mil–
lion people of Chinese descent, who
are cirizens of Indonesia - anorher
million-and-a-half of Chinese descenr
who are STATELESS - and a quarter of
a million who idenrify rhemselves
mosdy wirh Communisr China.
I rold che Presidenr how pleased I
was ro learn of his concern abour sub–
version in che free narions, since peo–
ples and leaders in orher areas of che
world are somerimes cragically una–
ware of chis living rhrear ro rheir free–
dom, their way of life, and their very
exisrence. In roo many counrries,
insread of having rheir own organized
educacional propaganda sysrem ro sell
rheir people on rheir own counrry,
rhey do norhing along rhar line them–
selves but leave che door wide open
for Communisr propaganda.
I didn't say chis to General Su–
harto, bur I do feel really pained
when I norice thar if a Communisr or
even a PINK symparhizer makes an
anrí-A.merican sracemenr, che rele–
vision and radio news media and che
daily newspapers hasren ro give ir
prominenr space. Bur we hear lirde if
4 8
aoy of rhe RIGHT kind of educacional
propaganda encouraging LOYALTY ro
our own couorry. I rhink
is BE–
CAUSE abour rhe only propaganda we
have heard in che Uoiced Srares is
ANTI-American , inreoded ro discredir
and ro injure. For rhat reason che very
word "propaganda" has come ro
mean, ro mosr people, che spreading
of unrrurhs iorended ro discredir and
ro harm. Bur TRUTH may also be pro–
pagared, or publicized, designed ro
form correctly
and ro HELP, not ro
injure. On
The ll7orld Tomorrow
gram on radio and relevision. and in
PLAIN TRUTH magazine, we are
engaged in THAT kind of TRUTH–
spreading - designed ro enlighten,
BUILD UP, nor tear down and de–
srroy - ro HELP - ro BENEPIT - ro
DO GOOD. Others somerimes rry ro
misreprescnt and falsely smear
ro persecure -
injure and harm -
buc we NEVER inrend ro use this grear
POWER of mass-communicarion ro
harm, injure, or discredit
President Suharro
counrry's policy of Nacional
This is a program of unired mobilized
improve che coun–
rry's economic, social and mi litary po–
sicion , in order ro wirhsrand
successfully che conrinuous effort by
subversive forces, supporced, if nor di–
rected, in large pare from outside rhe
Indonesia is largely one of che
undeveloped and very poor counrries.
Mr. Suhano emphasized rhe efforrs
being made ro relieve che condirions
of poverty and misery and disconrent
- and che conrinuing efforr by che
goveroment ro show che people che
che evidence - of che ben–
efi.ts of che nacional policies. He
urged rhar orher narions in Southeast
Asia adopr che same policy of Na–
cional Resilience ro insure rheir social ,
economic and milirary growrh in che
face of subversive elemenrs, and ro
improve che standard of living of
rheir peoples, and promote peace
As rhis man, responsible for che
welfare and che furure of some
miUion people, coorinued ro rell me
his problems, and his efforrs for
and for rhe betrerment of the vasr
number of his people,
had ro
in my own miod, of che
rhese problems - and rbe
of che rhousands of facrors wirh
which he is rrying ro cope.
General Suharto is having ro work
ro improve, or cbange, rhe con–
di rions of poverry, illireracy, and mis–
ery of che vasr majoriry of
million people
rhe framework
of THIS WORLD's partero and ways of
sociery - its ways. rradirions and cus–
roms of living - che ways and tradi–
cional merhods of dealing wirh orher
r've said hundreds of rimes, every–
thing is a matter of CAUSE and
FECT. It all srarred back in rhe Garden
of Eden wirh che incidenr of rhe for–
bidden fruir. Try to leave God rhe
Crearor out of che picrure, and you
are in a helpless and
rion. l've explained rime and again
how che Crearor God ser in morion
an invisible spirirual Law - a Law as
INVISIBLE as che laws of gravity and
inercia- and as relenrlessly SURE. An
all-wise and aU-Ioving Crearor de–
signed rhis Law
CAUSE peace, hap–
piness, abundanc well-being. This
Law WORKS! Live by ir, and rhings go
well. Live by
and you have PEACE
- you have prosperiry, you have hap–
Bur humaniry has NOT been living
by rhat inexorable Law. Humaniry
has been selfishly rransgressing ir -
and consequently humanity has
broughr on itself poverry, ignorance,
61th and squalor, misery, sickness and
disease. In our Western world rhere
has been education insread of illiter–
acy - but whar
of educarion?
Education CONTRARY ro rhar Law.
And in our Western world, which we
fancy ro be EDUCATED, we have not
been educated
THE WAY rhat pro–
duces PEACE, Or HAPPlNESS, or che
rruly abundant life. We have broken
homes. moral degeneracy, crime, and
pollurion of our air , our water, our
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972