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Personal from
nism. Wirh rhe Unired Srares pour–
ing enough milirary power inro
Sourh Vietnam ro hold rhe Commu–
nisr forces of Norrh Vietnam and rhe
Viet Cong at bay, Thailand and Ma–
laysía also bccame forrified against
Communisr inroads.
Today Presidenr Nixon is bringing
rhe American boys back home. The
"domino" danger seems, for rhe
present, a rhing of rhe pasr.
Bur whar abour rhe immediare
rure? 1 wanred ro know whar Presi–
denr Subarro's plans were for keeping
rhe Communisr forces out of Indo–
nesia. Any Red rakeover there would
imperil the enrire free world. Thar is a
major reason why Presidenr Suharro
is of viral concern ro che Unired
Srares, Canada, Brirain and Wesrern
The fust time 1 had a meeting ser
up wirh che General he had been
called ro Europe. The second time a
meeting was planned, rhe King of
Thailand was in Djakarra on a srare
visir, and of course rhar required rhe
full rime of rhe Presidenr. He had
President Suhorto greets Herbert Arm–
strong in Djokorto with o worm hond–
been desirous of seeing me all along,
and rhis was made doubly evidenr by
the warmrh of rhe reception at this
meeting yesrerday morning.
If you could be wirh
in meer–
ings wirh heads of governmcnrs in
differenr pares of rhe world, you
would have an alrogerher new con–
ceprion of the insurmountable
facing rhis whole very sick
world roday. These heads of govern–
ments rell
of problems bcyond
rheir human power ro solve.
Accompanying me yesrerday morn–
ing were Mr. Sranley R. Rader, our
general counsel, and Professor Osamu
Goroh, Chairman of our Asian Srud–
ies program ar Ambassador College.
Beforc 1 tcll you of the rhings Pres–
idenr Suharro and I discussed, 1 rhink
you mighr be inreresred in a brief de–
scription of our arrival ar che Presi–
dencial office building in Djakarra.
Yescerday morning, at 8:45, we ar–
rived at rhe Presidential oflice bu ild–
ing in Djakarta. Immediarely ir was
evidenr rhar rhe President was expecr–
ing us. Ar rhe enrrance of rhe build–
ing we walked inro a barrery of
official and press phorographers, and a
number of Presidencial sraff members.
The Chief of Prorocol stepped for–
ward ro greer us. The signing of rhe
official guesr book was carefully docu–
mented by a sraccaro of Rashbulbs.
First we walked inro a receprion
room and ralked brieRy wirh the
Chief of Prorocol and rhe Presidencial
inrerprerer, while awairing General
Suharro's arrival.
Remember rhat President Suharro
is rhe leader of the world's fifrh larg–
esr nation in popularion - wirh a
popularion in Indonesia of approxi–
Indonesia is one
of rhe richesr counrries in rhe world
in natural resources, bur, as yer, one
of rhe leasr developed. Incidenrally,
you mighr undersrand becrer where
and whar Indonesia is when
rell you
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972