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rians - are ro be given rhe rulersbip
of rhe earrh.
"And rhe kingdom and dominion
and rhe grearness of rhe kingdom
under che whole heaven, shall be
given ro rhe people of rhe sainrs ..."
heaven is
on earth.'
Norice furrber. Isaiah prophesied
of rhc serring up of rhe Kingdom of
God on earrb. "And ir shall come ro
pass in rhe lasr days, rhar rhe moun–
rain of rhe Lord's house shall be
established in the rop of rhe moun–
rains, and shaiJ be exalted above rhe
hills, and
aft natiom
shall fiow unro ir.
And many
shall go and say,
Come ye, and lec us go up ro rhe
mounrain of rhe Lord, ro rhe house
of rhe God of Jacob; and he will
reach us his ways, and we will walk in
his parhs: for out of Zion [in Jerusa–
lem on earrh!) shall go forth the law,
and che word of che Lord from Jerusa–
lem" (Isa.
Norice Micah's 4 rh chaprer! Read
all of it. "But in rhe !ase days
come ro pass, rhat the mountain of
che house of che Lord shall be esrab–
lished in the rop of che moun–
tains ... and people shall flow unto
ir ... for rhe law shall go forth
and che word of che Lord
will make her thar
halred a remnanr, and her that was
case far off a strong narion: and rbe
Lord shall reign over them
in mount
from henceforth, even for ever"
4: l-2, 7).
"Behold rhe day of rhe Lord
cometh ... and his feet sball stand in
thar day upon rhe
mount of 0/ives,
which is before Jerusalem on the
east . . ." (Zech. 14:1-4).
Read che entire 14th chaprer of
Zechariah. "And the Lord shall be
over al/ the earth"
(verse 9).
"And men sbalJ
in it, and there
shall be no more urrer desrrucrion,
bur Jerusalem shall be safely
The remainder of rhe
cbapter picrures narions being pun–
ished to force rhem ro keep God's
annual festivals which were ordained
ro keep rhem in mind of rhe plan He
is working out here below.
Remember, che Bible does not
contradice itself. The ofr-guoted and
well-loved scripture in l Thessalo–
nians che 4th chaprer :neans whar ir
says. Bur you have not heard whar ir
acrually says.
And so now, afcer reading rhese
many scriprural proofs rhar Chrisr is
coming ro rhis earth to remain here,
ruling with His saines, ler's candidly
read tbis often-guoted, completely
misundersrood rexr.
"For rbe Lord himself sball descend
from heaven with a shour, wirh che
voice of che archangel, and with rhe
rrump of God: and rhe dead in Chrisr
shall rise firsr. Thcn we which are
alive and remain shall be caught up
rogerher with rhem in rhe clouds
meet che Lord in che air: and so shall
we ever be with che Lord" (I Thes.
Norice rhere is not one single
word about saines going
Whac chis passage does nor say is
clear. Ir does
say the saines are
going ro heaven'
does say is egually clear.
does say che sainrs will rise ro meer
che Lord in che air. Norice ir! Jesus is
going ro "descend from heaven" and
rhe resurrecred and changed sainrs
will be caught up "in che clouds, ro
meer rhe Lord in rhe air."
Sometime ago my farher and
rerurned from Rome ro New York
on a big Boeing 707 jer airliner. W e
were sped rhrough rhe rhinner upper
armosphere, bigh above che clouds ar
che flashing speed of about 600 miles
an hour. We acrually flew in a man–
made airplane much higher rhan your
Bible says che saines will rise when
Cluisr returns! The Bible says
in the
not up in heavm.t
This earrh is
enveloped by layers of air, composed
of physical subsrances. Air is com–
posed of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and
many rypes of gases. Clouds are
merely formed of vapors and mises,
che condensarion of moisrure when
cold air masses meet warm air masses.
As such, air and clouds are a pare of
this earth. They belong ro earrh, nor
ro heaven, which is far beyond the
ourer reaches of man's relescopes
which only begin ro probe rbe vasr.
incomprehensible reaches of the uní–
Think for a momenr.
If an inrimare friend of yours were
rerurning ro sray wirh you afrer a
long absence, and you went to rhe
gare ro meer che friend, wouldn ' r it
be silJy if you !efe your home, rurned
around and wenr back ro his home
wirh him? Chrisr is ro return
from heaven!
Paul wrore, " . .. and so shall we
ever be with tbe Lord" (verse 17) .
Yes, we shall be
rhe Lord, where
He will be! And where will He be?
On che earth, as you have already seen
proved from your own Bible.
Chrisr said, ' ' ...
will come again,
and receive you unto myself, rhar
am, there ye may be also"
Where will Christ be?
On rhe earrh!
Yes, here is anorher of rhe amaz–
ing, brearhraking opposires of your
Biblc from che commonly accepred
and assumed teachings of che world.
The ideas of meo do not fit - even
wirh che ' 'Sermon on che Mounr."
The Kingdom
Heaven is a
kingdom ruled by heaven, which is to
come clown
of heaven - ro chis
earrh !Justas rhe house
John is nor
John, so is che Kingdom of
in, butfrom
"Blessed Are They That Mourn"
" ... For they shall be comforred"
(Matt. 5:4) .
Surely you would believe there is
no conflicr here. Surely all professing
"Chrisrians" believe chis scripture'
I suppose hundreds of thousands
do believe rhese words of Chrisr -
but how many really discern their
Jesus said, " ... I am come rhar
rhey mighr have life, and rhat rbey
mighr have ir more abundandy"
Uohn 10:10). Christ wants us ro have
Jife brimful and nmning over wirh
joy. One of rhe first attribures of
God's Holy Spirit , the very mind and
nature of God, is joy. (Gal.
5:22 )
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972