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analyze how rhey developed or reflect
on whar rhey mean. As a result, rhe
real significance of current critica!
rrends is ofren overlooked, and rhe
vital lessons that history could reach
us go unlearned. The currenr disen–
chanrment wirh science rhat per–
meaces W esrern sociery is significam
- and in ways thar few realize.
The historical roors of the present
trend are closely linked ro evenrs rhat
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972
occurred ar che close of rhe MiddJe
Ages in Europe (about A.D. 1500) .
The stern hand of religious suppres–
sion and Stlpersricion dominared
human rhoughr Ignorance and lack
of progress were widespread.
Medieval "scienrists and rech–
nologists," if rhe term can indeed be
used, had acrually lost much of the
knowledge and skills known and
pracriced centuries ago by their coun-
rerparrs in Greece, Rome, and rhe
Near East.
But in che early 1500's, severa!
major discoverics began ro give
ímpetus co a movemenr destined co
rransform rhe rhinking of che entire
world. Thar movement was che
Renaissance - the "rebirrh" of
knowledge and che renewed interese
in learning and science as opposed ro
religious dogma. lt began in lraly and