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hisrory rexrbook. Bur how many
remember an egually stirring "cross of
iron" spcech deli vered by che lace
S. Presidenr Dwighc D. Eisen–
bower? Here are sorne excerpcs frorn
his spcech del ivered alrnosr rwenty
years ago.
"Every gun ehae is made, every
warship launched, every rockec fired
signifies, in che final sense, a chefc
from rhose who hunger and are not
fed, chose who are cold and noc
·'This world in arms is not spend–
ing money alone. Ir is spending che
swear of laborers, rhe genius of scien–
cisrs, che hopes of irs children.
"Thc cose of one modern heavy
bomber is chis: a modern brick school
in more. chan 30 cities. Ir is rwo elec-
rric powcr planes, each serving a rown
of 60,000 popularion. Ir is rwo finely
eguipped hospiraJs. Ir is sorne fifrr
miles of concrete highway.
p:1y for a single fighrer plane
wich a half million bushels of wheat .
We pay for a single destroyer wirh
new homcs chat couJd have housed
more than 8,000 people.
'·This is nora way of life ar all, in
any true sense. Under rhe cloud of
rhrearening war, ir is humanity hang–
ing from a cross of iron."
And there is no
example of a narion crucified on sreel
rhan rhosc poor narions which rely on
a daily "fix" of imporrcd arms. Arms
sales ro che Third World by che
wealthy nations are che most incrimi–
nating blood-money dollars.
"The Four Merchants" of
the Apocalypse
percem of che sales of
arms and war material ro poor narions
proceed from four major world pow–
crs - which we mighr figuratively
!abe! "che four merchanrs" of che
The firsc cwo - rhe Uniced .Srares
and che U.S.S.R. - self arms for ideo–
logical and policical reasons. The rwo
orber major arms salesmen - France
and Great Bricain - sell for purely
economic and industrial profic.
Almosr rhree guarrers of these
inscrumenrs of dearh find their way ro
che Middle Easc and Soucheasc Asia.
Thc burgeoning Lacin American mar–
kec grabs anocher 10 pcrcenr, as do
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972