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Personal from
Meeting with President Suharto of Indonesia
Vietnam and Far East Peril
AT LAST, che long-awaircd, cwice–
posrponed meeting wirh Presi-
denc Suharto rook place, yes–
rerday morning, in Djakana.
We Aew on here coday. en roure ro
Jerusalcm, where 80 of our Ambassa–
dor College srudents have been work–
ing chis summer on rhe gianr
archacological projecr adjoining rhe
temple mount. Then a scopover ar
our campus in England, a luncheon
visir wirh King Leopold, and then
back co Pasadena.
At rhis poinr we are approximacely
halfway around rhc world on rhe
prescnr rrip. W e rea lly hada mosr in–
reresring and profirable mee ting wirh
General Suharco. There is a viral con–
necrion becween che Vietnam war and
Presidenr Suharro's governmenr in
Ar rhe rime when rhe Vietnam war
was bcing scepped up, dur ing che
Kennedy and Johnson Adminis–
trarions, rhe main purpose of Unired
Srares involvemenr was ro prevenr a
Communisr milirary rakeover of rhe
enrire Sourheasr Asian arca. The
American policy was based on rhe
"Domino Theory." If rhe Reds rook
over Vietnam, rhen in rapid success–
ion, rhe indicarion rhen was, Cam–
bodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore
and Indonesia would have fallen co
PLAIN TRUTH November 1972
rhe Communisrs in rapid succession.
And from rhere Australia would fall.
Ir was known - I have srared ir
rnany rimes on che air and in
PLA!NTRUTH- rhar rhe Communisr
srraregy for conquering rhe Unired
Sraces was by way of Asia and South·
case Asia.
Why the crue faces were never
made plain ro rhe American people, 1
could never undersrand. Bur at rhat
rime, Presidenr Sukarno of Indonesia
was veering peril–
ously roward rhe
lefr. Singapore and
Malaysia seemed
abour ro be rakcn
over by Commu–
nism. Ir seemed
bcrrcr ro fighr
Communism in
Vietnam and stop
r befo rc rhc
"domino" srares
ropp led o ne by
onc, rhan to wair
and havean all-out
nuclear war by in–
vasion of rhe
Unired Srares. Ber–
rcr fight rhem
wi th a SMALL war
on Asían soil, than
in a frighrful nu–
clear war on our
own soil.
Bur in Singaporc, Prime Minisrer
Lec oursmarrcd rhe Communisrs, and
in Indonesia, rhe fifrh mosr populous
nario n on earrh, General Suharro es–
rablished a milirary dicratorship, borh
srrongly forrified againsr Commu-
Indonesio. This outogrophed photo wos
o gift from the Pres ident to He rbert W.