Tips and
Suggestions for YOU and YOUR
In this issue The PLAIN TRUTH begins a new
feature . lt brings
helpful suggestions
and your family can put to use immediately.
Here are answers to questions which may have
in the past. Also you' /1 find here
time/y information which may prove he lpful
in the future. lf
have questions of general
interest to
readers, send them in. We may
be able to use them here .
Crime and Your Family
is on the increasc.
you live in the Unitcd Statcs,
the chances may be as high as one in fivc that you or
your family will sufier from sorne criminal act in thc
year 1970. Crimes against property- especially burglary and
theft- are committed most often.
Here is what you can do to reduce the chances of crime
home, person, or property. Thcse suggestions
are offered by the Interoational Association of Chiefs of
Police, the Los Angeles Police Dcpartmcnt, and cooperative
policejcitizen neighborhood crimc reduction agencies.
When you
a prowler:
you hear or see a
prowler outside at night, do not turn a light on or call out -
notify the police and let them determine his business. Remain
on the telephone, if possible, and report any changes in the
prowler's action. Do not open your door to anyone except a
pollee officer who has identified himself.
Do not assume the police have already bc:en summoned
by a neighbor. Do it yourself - immediately. Keep the tele–
phone number of the Police Department near your telephone.
Keep your home
tocked: After you move into a
house, it is a good idea to have the tumblers of the locks
reset. Previous tenants may have keys in their possession.
All outside doors should have high-quality locks. Pin–
tumbler locks, with deadbolts, provide the best protection.
Doors with glass panels should also have double cylinder
locks which require keys on the inside.
Slide bolts and chains on the inside of all outer doors are
an inexpensive but practica! investment.
What about your windows? Safety locks should be in–
stalled on louvered windows, as these may
pried with ease.
Supplcmentary locks are recommended for windows that face
onto Jire escapes. Be sure all your windows have good locks -
and, even more, that you
rae lhem!
There is nothing so worth–
Jess as an rmlocked lock!
Outside doors should be locked at all times. Sorne bur–
glacs look for residents who are working in the yard, then they
approach from an opposite side of the buildtng and enter
through an unlocked door to steal purses, money, or other
A professional burglar, under a life sentence as a threc–
time loser, told a reportee that the best protection from
burglars is not a gun, but "a little yap-yap dog" that will bark
at strangers.
While away from home:
Never leave notes which can
inform a burglar that your house is unoccupied. Make sure all
windows and doors are locked and secured before leaving.
Close your garage door when you leave, as an empty garage
may advertise your absencc.
Be sure to Jeave one or more interior house lights on
when leaving at night. Timcrs may
purchased that wiJI
turn lights on and off during your absence.
leave keys under flower pots or doormats. inside
an unlocked mailbox, over the doorway, or in other obvious
places. Burglars usually Jook in such places first.
When you will be gone from home for severa! days or
weeks, be sure to discontinue milk delivery, the newspaper,
and other deliveries ahead of time. Have a friend pickup your
mail regularly for you -
have the post office keep all your
Ambouodor College
Photo shows what
lo do when you're away from home for any
length of time. Always give the outside of your home o
lived-in oppeorance.
mail for you while you are gone. It is also a good idea to
arrange to havc your lawn mowed.
Inform a trusted oc:ighbor of your absence so he can