Page 1449 - 1970S

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Turoring for most would-be crimi–
nals bcgins in rhe home - sociery's
mosr basic building block - and pro–
ceeds from rhere. \'V'hen che famil y is
broken or is significan rl y unscablc, as
man y are roday. rhe home cnviron–
mcnr is conducive
anrisocial acti–
tudes and behavior. Yo u ngsrcrs,
gro'-ving up wirhout meaningful and
loving parenr-child relarionship:;, are
immcdi;tr<:h dcprived of rhc ingredl–
cnts nccessary for emocional growrh:
famil) lovc. warmrh, guidancc, uniry.
and coopcrarion.
Inrervicws wirh inmarcs bcar out
rhis mosr rragic of human failures. As
one Walla W alla inmarc rold me.
"Mosr of usare from bad secd. Abour
all we've known is bickering. nght–
ing, and rurmoil. ··
Thc rragedy is compounded in rhar
coming from a broken home ofrcn
means csr:.blishing :.norhcr one. i\fosr
crimin als who failed in rhcir own
marri:.ges admir rhar rhcy
carne from wcak or non exisren r
homcs. Thc rcsult: gcncrarion upun
generarion of deprived, misguided.
cmorion:tll) unsrable youngsrers ush–
crcd down rhe parh of crimc. \'V'hy is
socic:n unable ro srop rhis vicious
cyck of crime?
Prisons cannor be asked ro parch
up rhe broken homes. They arrcmpr.
by definirion, ro crear rhe
of rhc
brokcn homes of a gencrarion ago.
Thcy are powcrlcss ro do anyrhi ng
abour rhc
whi ch exisr in rhc
brokcn homes of roday.
ir rarional ro expecr prisons ro
removc rhis major seedbed of crimc
rhat is. in facr. rhe responsibilirv of
whot used to
be four groy wolls hove become unrec–
ognizoble os o prison cell. At Wollo
Wollo "residents" hove the opportunity
to decorote their own cells os they see
fit ( left).
Prisoner (right) enters "lifers' " club
oreo in Wollo Wollo. "Lifers With
Hope" is on exclusive key club in which
oll members ore serving life sentences.
All other prisoners ore excluded.
PLAIN TRUTH September-October 1972