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Capable Man
There are
sorne men
seem to have "job troubles."
it is your problem,
here is how to master it!
of superior abiliry in many
respects. He had a college educa–
tion, fine healrh, and clear mental
perceprion. He couJd have been suc-
cessful ar a number of differenr jobs
- but he wasn't.
What was Joe's difficulry? Why
couldn'r he fulfill his potencial and be
an outsranding success' Why did he
drifr from one job ro anorher, never
quite sarisfied, never really happy -
and never really successful?
Joe could have been a success as an
engineer or as an accounranr, but he
wasn't. For sorne reason, he could
never seem ro sertle clown and do one
job and make a success of ir.
He got along with people. He was
friendly, helpful ro orhers, and con–
siderare. Bur he always reasoned rhar
rhe "real opporrunities" were else–
where. When he was in aerospace, he
wished he was in accounting. When
he gravirated ro accounting, he
wished he was a used-car salesman.
Wherever Joe went, he aJways felt
his talenrs weren't being fully uri–
lized. He became despondent, rhink–
ing che job he was doing was
"below" him. As he Aoundered
around, feeling miserable and sorry
for himself, he noriced orher men, in
many cases with lesser abiliry, being
promored ahead of him - and chis
"bugged" him.
Because of his attirude roward his
job and roward himself, Joe never
really amounred ro much. He never
accomplished whar he could have - if
he had put his mind ro
accepted a
job, and derermined ro build a future
in that line of work.
Today, Joe still hasn't learned his
lesson. He drifts from one mediocre
job ro another. Bur it's his own faulc!
Is Joe's Problem
our Problem?
How can you be sure rhar you
don'r become a "failure" like Joe?
How can you make cerrain rhar you
will keep your job - if you have one
- while orhers may be losing rheirs?
And whar abour gerring a job if
you are presenrly unemployed? How
can you help yourself - and your
loved ones - find rrue financia!
securiry in the uncerrain months and
years ahead?
Temporary Jobs No
Real Solucion
You can usually "srop-gap" your
unemployment problem by gerring
one or more remporary jobs ro fill in.
But rhe real problem still remains.
For a srable, long-range solution ro
unemploymenr, you should pur your–
self rhrough a course of self-analysis.
Many of you have read how, ar age
sixreen, Herbert W. Armsrrong made
sure he was getting on the righr rrack
for bis furure life work. There are
vocarional guidance tests available ar
many colleges, universities and pri–
vare agencies ro guide you. Check
into rhese rhoroughly.
Bur on your own , rhink slowly and
PLAIN TRUTH September-October 1972