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anyrhing which should be done in
our view has nor been done. Main–
raining rhe dynamism of chis Euro–
pean idea, gaining over for supporr of
rhe youth for rhe realizarion of Euro–
pean uniry.
Do you rhink ir wilJ ever
complerely subordinare
nacional intereses
common com–
muniry inte reses?
don'r chink rhat is che real aim
of whar we are doing, becausc we are
nor heading for a cenrral srare. We
are heading for a fedcrarion. And rhis
neccssarily means rhar che composing
srarcs of rhc fcdcrarion do nor disap–
pear. Thar again means rhar rhcrc are
srill areas, evcn widc arcas, of compc–
rcnce of rhese srares. Ler's remember
rhe siruacion in rhc Unired Sraces of
America, che scares' righrs discussion.
Ler's rcmember rhe canrons of Swir–
zerland which are exrrcmely cagcr ro
mainrain rheir righrs againsr rhc cen–
tral power. Let's speak of Germany
whcre che composing srarcs have srill
a widc area of comperence. So rhe
problem is nor ro rcplace complercly
srare and nacional srare comperence
by common Euro¡x:an compercnce. Ir
is ro replace ir whcrc rhis is nccessary,
and rhis is enough for rhcse common
European insrirurions ro give rhem a
mosr imporranr charge.
W ill ir be possible ro subli–
mare nacional intereses enough so
rhat Europe can speak w irh one
sure ir can be done. The facr
rhar wc have rcached in che lasr 20
years as much as we have is proof of
rhe facr rhar ir is possible ro do so.
Grear economic and orhcr intereses
which had becn raken carc of on a
nacional leve! so far havc already been
subordinared ro common compe–
rence. Agriculrural policies are only
one example of many.
Crirics of rhe Commoo Marker
claim rhar ir is inwardly orienced
and prorecrionisr. l s rhar true?
Ir is nor rruc ar all. Ir's an old
reproach and complainr. Bur if I may
jusr give one example of rhe fact rhat
we are ourward looking and rhar we
are doing our besr ro lead a liberal
policy wirh rhe ourside world. Whar
mean is rhe Kennedy round. Wirh
our American friends we negoriared
cariff reducrions really unheard of in
rhe hisrory of world crade and ro rhe
profir of everybody we did so.
Bur rhere is one grain of rrurh.
would say, in rhis idea rhar rhe mere
crearion of somerhing Jike rhe Euro–
pean Community has a very impor–
tant consequencc for pcrsons inside
rhis Community. They are rreated dif–
ferently from facrs and persons our–
side. Bur chis is like wirh a marriage.
You belong rogerhcr and chis is
something which can nor be a suf–
ficiem reason for rhose ourside ro say
we have discriminared againsr rhem.
Wbat will be rhe impacr upon
the world of ao expaoded commu–
lf we rake rhc program as a
whole. including irs lasr aims, includ–
ing polirical inregrarion, foreign pol–
icy. defense policy, rhen ir really
means a change in che sysrem of
equilibrium of che actual world. I
wouldn'r say anorhcr rhird supcr–
power besides che Unired Sraccs of
America and che Soviet Un ion. Bur
somerhing comparable ro rhar wil l be
created, and chis we rhink is very
good in order ro conrriburc ro rhar
central goal which we are following
wirh rhe wholc consrrucrion, namcly
peace in rhe world.
Lookiog into che fucure, is rhe
Communicy destined ro become a
third force in the world?
A .
Cerrainly nor. The meaning
behind chis expression "a rhird force,"
by che people who use che rerm, is
somerhing berween che Democraric
world and che Communist world. We
belong absolurely and wirhouc any
reservarions, any resrricrions ro rhe
free world. So rhe resulr of ir under
che aspecc of rhe relarionship berween
Easr and Wesr will cerrainly be a
sr rengrhening of rhe Democraric half
of rhe world.
Relarions berween tbe Com–
muniry aod t he Uniced Srares are
strained at che moment. W hat is
increase harmony
becween both sides of the Atlantic?
Sirring rogecher, ralking rogerher
and finding our rhat we are linked
rogerhcr by much more rhar we have
in common rhan by rhe poinrs of
fricrion in economic atfairs. And ler's
nor forger one rhing. Ler's nor look
at all rhese marrees of grear economic
inreresr only from a srandpoint of
material interese. Let's see che poli–
rica! elemenr in rhese rhings, in rhese
discussions becwcen rhe Europcan
Communiry and our American
a .
The Commoo Market has
acquircd enormous economic
power already. lt's by far che
world's largesr crading unir, yec
rhe ultimare goal of the Commu–
niry remains political union. Are
rhere safeguards within the Com–
muniry struccure ro make cerrain
rhat no supermao could come
along and direcr rhe resources of a
United Europe ro che derriment of
ocher oations?
A .
The European solurion is almosc
a plaronic idea of a sysrem of checks
and balances. As I said already, rhe
idea is noc ro creare a central srare.
The idea is ro creare a federarion. This
would mean rhe survival of a cerrain
number of rensions which characrcr–
ized che acrual siruarion, rensions
berween rhe differenr member scares,
because rhey go on having their own
interese. And rhere will always be a
cerrain rension berween che cenrral
power, rhe Communiry power, rhe
European power and rhe power of rhe
particular enricies wbich are induded
by chis European sysrem. This in my
view is an absoluce guarantee againsr
rhc possibiliry rhar one superman can
come and make ou t of chis grear and
powerful enriry a weapon ro achievc
whar he wanrs ro do personally.
PLAIN TRUTH August 1972