by mankind in general - God did
beguearh ro mankind H is
revefation of
basic knowfedge.
We have ir IN WR IT–
ING! The Holy Bible is char revela–
conrains hisrory, insrruccion,
revelation of basic knowledge, and
does not conrain ALL knowl–
edge. Ir contains rha t basic, founda–
tional knowledge
otherwise inaccessible
to man.'
What, rhen, is WRONG wirh
knowledge production coday? The
most viral dimension is missing!
have said char error generally comes
a false premise, raken
carelessly for granred wirhour proof,
and building on rhar premise. And
when che basic hypochesis or premise
is false, che entire struccure buile upon
ir ropples wich ir!
I have said rhar rhe rools of mod–
ero science are
observation, experi–
mentatifm, and reason.
Are rhose cools
wrong? NoT AT ALL! The error comes
of revelarion. For revela–
rion is rhe true scarting premise.
When man subsricures his own false
byporhcsis, che most vital dimension
in che knowledge producrion is miss–
God's Word - His Insrrucrion
Manual for mankind - is rhe FOUN–
DATION of ALL knowledge. lt
che sum coral of knowledge.
l e
is che
foundarion - che crue premise - che
scarcing point - rhe concept chat di–
reces che approach co rhe acquisirion
of furrher knowledge.
Man SHOULD P roduce
God INTENOED for man ro
additionaL knowledge.
He gave us che
basis - che foundation - che prem–
ise - che conccpr. Bur He also pro–
vided us with eyes wi th which co ob–
serve, with hands and feer co explore
and measure, with means ro produce
laborarories, cese cubes, and means of
EXPERIMENTATION. He gave us awe–
some MINOS with wbich ro THJNK.
God incended man ro use observa–
cion, experimencacion, and human
reason. He supplied us wirh che basis
PLAIN TRUTH August 1972
- che foundarion -
the start
in rhe
righc direcrion, wirh rhe righr con–
cept. But our flrst parents rejecced che
mosr viral dimension in all knowl–
edge. And mankind has conrinued co
rejecc che very FOUNDATION of all
knowledge. Knowledge producrion
has been operaring wirh a foundarion
- based on false premises and er–
roneous hyporheses.
Thar is rhe reason human knowl–
edge producrion has failed ro solve
humanity's problems, and
cure rhe
world's ills.
Manufaccurers of mechanical or
elecrrical appliances send along an in–
srruccion manual wirh rheir produce.
The Bible is our Maker's Jnstruction
Manual which He has sent along
wirh che produce of His making -
Six rhousand years of human mis–
ery, unhappiness and evils ought ro
provide sufficienr PROOF for rhose
see, thac humaniry, starring
with our first parenrs, rejecred the
most vital dimcnsion.
Compelled co Choose
Now remember,
IS STILL GOING ON. Adam was freely
offered erernal life. He was compelled
make a choice. Had he (and of
course Eve) made che choice ro BE–
LlEVE God - accept knowledge from
God, insread of caking co rhemselves
che dererminarion of rhe knowledge
of what is good and what is evil - he
and Eve could have raken of che cree
of li fe.
That cree symbolically represenced
che Holy Spirit of God. Taking ir
would have impregnared within rhem
GOD- life - SPIRIT-life. Then Adam's
creation would have been complered
wichin his liferime. He would have
from morral ro immor–
tal - from physical, material compo–
sition even as God is!
Buc che lirst humans rejecred basic
revelarion of knowledge from God -
jusr as humaniry has done ever since.
They rejecred THE \Y/AY God ser in
mocion ro CAUSE peace, prospcricy,
happiness and joy. They limiced che
acquisicion of knowledge co rheir
HUMAN minds.
The CAUSE of All Evils
And ever since man has rried co go
his own way - governing himself –
living rhe "GET" way, wirh uncon–
cern for che good of orhers. And
man's way has resu leed in all che
mounrain of evils that has befallen
chis world.
Therein is rhe explanacion of all
che illiceracy, che povcrry, che disease,
che filth and squalor of che world's
Therein is che explanarion of che
EVILS rhar exisr in che "more ad–
vanced" and "developed" arcas of che
world. They have educacion - bur
wirh its great, vasc missing dimen–
sion! Educarion wich no knowledge
of the PURPOSE of life. Educacion char
can produce compurers, fly men ro
che moon and back, but cannot solve
man's problems.
And why? Because che problems
are SPIRITUAL and man has rejecred
che knowledge of God's SPIRITUAL
w -
AY of life tbac would
CAUSE peace and universal GOOD'
But has God Jefe srricken human–
ity co irs face?
By no means.
in progress.
The T rue Answer ro
T hese Questions
The real answer was broughr out
by Job. "lf a man die, shall he live
again'" Job asked - and answered:
"All che days of my appoinred time
wait, till my
come. Thou
shalr call , and
will answer rhee:
wilt have a desire to the UJ(}rk of thine
The larter pan of his guotarion,
mosr ofren overlooked, is rhe key
chis whole riddle. Read ir again!
"Thou wilt have a desire to the work
of thine hands".l
Study rhat! J ob knew he was
merely che work of God's hands,
mercly a piece of divine workmanship
in che hands of che Crearor, merely a