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tries. Each assassi n was a man pos–
sessed wirh a fancied, but wrong
holding emocional feelings of
personal animosiry. fcding he was a
man of
an insrrumenr in
rhe hands of God. How rwisred and
perverred, in rheir rhinking abour
God can mcn gcr? J ohn \'<filkcs
Boorh wrorc: ' 'Our counrry owcd all
her rroublcs ro him, anJ God simply
made me rhe insrrument of his
punishmenr." In one respecr, Presi–
dcnr Lincoln's assassin mighr havc
bccn righr - he refcrred
con -
che god of
world. Afrcr Guircau killcd Prcsident
Garficld, he explain<.:d his reason:
"His removal is an act of God." Laccr,
during his erial, he said ro thc jury:
"Lec your vcrdicr be thar ir was rhe
Deiry's acr, nor mine" - bur rhe jury
didn'r sce ir rhat way. After Czolgosz
killed Presidenr McKinlcy, he said, '·I
rhoughr ir would be a good rhing for
rhe narion ro kili rhe Presidenr." Af–
rer arrempting ro kili Presidcnr Tru–
man, Collazo jusrified himself in
courr, saying:
·• ¡
rhought ir would be
a good rhing for rhe narion ro kili rhe
Apparenrly nor one of rhese little
warped-minded anarchisrs ever re–
penred of his foul dc-cd. Each was a
lirrle man - seizcd wirh an invisible
saranic force, wirh illusions of dia–
bolical grandeur, ami a pervcrted
sense of mission. How can
complcccly prorccr irs leaders from
such men ? Probably, in this world, ir
Bur in che World Tomorrow ir
will be rocally
All those
in governmcnr office and authoriry
will be no longer human - com–
posed of mortal llesh ami blood. They
wiiJ be composed of
physical spirit, wirh life inhercnr
wirhin rhemsdves.
Lct me give you a <1uick explana–
rion of whar we mean by che World
Tomorrow. Thc Biblc spcaks of rhree
1) The world prior ro Noah and
rhe Flood is rcferreJ ro as "che world
chac rhcn was," in ll Peccr 3:6.
PlAIN TRUTH July 1972
The world from che Plood up ro
now is referred co as "this presenr evil
world'' in Galarians
Jesus spoke of .. this worlJ" in
conrrasr ro ·'rhar world" (Luke 20:34-
or rhe World Tomorrow - rhc
coming world beginning wirh rhc
rime of rhe resurrecrion.
The New Testamenr was originall)'
wrirren in Greek. Two Greek words
are rranslared "world." One is
meaning "age" or "a durarion of
rime." The orher is
"parrern, way, or order of sociery,
wirb its cusroms, sysrcms. and organi–
zarían." Acrually, when one reads of
"chis world" in che Biblc, ir rcfers ro
society as ir is organized and lived
during rhe period which is rhis
presenr age.
You've heard talk abour "che end
of rhe world." Acrually, rhar cxpres–
sion originared wirh che disciplcs of
Jesus Chrisr, when He was on earrh
years ago, as referred ro in
Ir refers,
ro rhe
end of rhe earrh's exisrence, bur rhe
word "world" rhere is rranslared from
che end of chis
and rhe beginning of
che World Tomorrow - a world
Ler me give you a shorr-shorr out–
line of whar rhis world's besr-sclling
Book says abour che World Tomorrow.
There is a very remarkable proph–
ecy in tbe book of lsaiah: " Por unto
us a child is born, unro us a son is
given: and rhe govcrnmenr shall be
upon his shou lder: and his namc shall
be caJied Wonderful, Counsellor, Thc
mighry God, The everlasting Farher,
The Prince of Peace. Of rhe increase
of his government and peace there
shall be no end, upon rhe rhrone of
David, and upon his kingdom,
der ir. and ro esrablish ir wirh judg–
menr and wirh jusrice from hence–
forrh even for ever. The zeaJ of che
Lord of hosrs will perform chis"
Then in rhe New Tesramenr che
same rhing is announced by an angcl
ro Mary, morher of Jesus: "And rhe
angel said unto her, Fear nor, Mary:
for thou hase found favour with God.
AnJ, behold, rhou shalr conccive in
rhy womb, and bring fonh a son, and
shalr call his name Jesus. He shall be
grear. and shall be called che Son of
rhc Highesr: and che Lord God shall
give unto him che rhrone of his farher
David : And he shall ·reign ovcr rhe
house of J acob for ever; and of his
kingdom rhere shall be no end"
(Lukc l :30-33).
Jesus· Gospel
rhe announce–
mcnr of rhis Governmenr of which
He was born ro be rhe King: "The
beginning of che gospel of Jesus
Chrisr, rhe Son of God; As ir is wrir–
ren in rhe prophers, Behold,
rny messenger befare rhy face, which
shall prepare thy way before rhee....
Now afrer rhar John was pur in
prison, J esus carne inro Galilee.
preaching che gospel of che kingdom
of God, and saying. The rime is ful–
filled, and rhe kingdom of God is ar
hand: repent ye, and believe rhe gos–
pel" (Mark
L:l-2, 14-15).
And, as Jesus raughr ir, a kingdom
is in realiry
ir is a
governmenc and
ir is a family
grown ínto a narion wirh irs govern–
ment. For example, the Turkish na–
rion is primarily composed of rhe des–
cendanrs of Esau, brorher of Jacob,
whosc name was changed ro Israel.
Thc lsraelires were such
kingdom, a
narion descended from Jacob. Jesus
raugbt rhat upon real repentance, an.d
faith in Christ, humans may receive
the Holy Spirit of God - and
God's Spirit dwells in them, they will
be resurrecred as spirir-born children
of God - rhen composed of spirit,
no longer morral flesh and blood.
Many have erroneously believed
rhar che Church is and consrirures rhe
Kingdom of God. Bur in I Corinrhi–
we read: "Now this
say, brcrhren, rhar Oesh and blood
cannor inherit rhe kingdom of God;
neither doth corruptíon in herir incor–
ruprion. Behold,
shew you a mys–
rcry; We shall not all sleep, but we
shall all be changed. In a momcnr. in
che rwinkling of an cye, ar rhe !ase
trump: for the rrumper shall sound,