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The world linds irself in rhis di–
Jemma: Of rhe rwo possibiliries in
rhe quesrion of origins, one school
holds ro rhe rheory of evolurion, and
rhe orher believes in special crearion
by a Crearor, God. But neirher tbe
scienrisrs and educarors on rhe one
hand, nor rhe rheologians and tradi–
cional Chrisrianiry, on rhe orher, can
rell us WHY man is
as he
nor HOW
and WHEN he became plagued wirh
rhe evil in human narure.
Yer human survival depends on
rhe answer.
Man has no way
figure ir out.
Unless rhe answer is revealed, human–
iry is Jefe helpless! And
ir is re–
vealed, rhe religionisrs and theolo–
gians have nor found ir - and che
evolurionisrs rejecr revelation.
What IS Man?
Now wc need ro UNDERSTAND the
origin of MAN.
What IS man? Do you realize rhar
almosr nobody knows?
Is man an animal - merely rhe
highesr of rhe animal kingdom? Is
man an immorral soul? Is he a son of
transmigrarion produce from a former
ls rhcre anybody who has nor won–
dered "Whar
l?" I cannor re–
member whcn rhat quesrion first en–
rered my mind. 1 do remember rhar
forry-seven ycars ago the quesrion es–
pecially rroubled me.
rried co rcason
ir our - bur ir was a dead-end srreer.
All rny rhinking and reasoning Jed
nowherc. The answer cannor be dis–
covered - unless by revelarion.
Then a year larer, in rhe aurumn of
l926, I was challenged inro a rhor–
ough, in-deprh research inro rhis
quesrion of origins - rhe rheory of
evolurion, or special crearion by a su–
preme Crcaror, God.
Ar rhc ourser 1quesrioned rhe exis–
rence of God. And 1 quesrioned also
rhe evidences for rhe evolurionary
rheory. [ soughr PROOFS - whichever
was rhe rrurh.
I srudicd Darwin, and his promo–
ters Haeckel and Huxley, Lyell before
rhem, and such larer evolurionisrs as
Karl Vogr and Thomas Chrowder
srudied Genesis and
rhe Bible as a whole.
was deeply
asronished ro
rhar rhe plain srare–
rnenrs of rhe Bible were diamerrically
conrrary, in many basic poinrs, ro
had received in Sunday
School as a growing boy.
was equally surprised ro learn
rhar chis Book, as Brucc Barron has
said, is rhe Book rhar almosr nobody
seems ro undersrand - a Book rhar
has been inrerprered ro suir rradi–
rional rel igious rencrs, misrepre–
scnred, rwisred, maligned.
ered rhar ir is a "NOW" book, for our
rime, now!
I found PROOF of rhc exisrence of
che living God (wrire for our free
Does God Exist?) .
found PROOF of che infallible inspira–
rion of rhis Book, rhe Bible. 1 found
in ir onc quored, saying He is God,
forerelling infallibly rhe future, and
in rhe days when ancicnr Egypr and
Babylon Aourished, daring ro rell,
rhen, rhe furure srare of every narion
on earrh, and of every imporranr ciry
rhen exisring - including che cirics
of Babylon, Tyre, Sidon, Ashdod,
Ashkelon. And whar was rhcn fore–
rold has happened in every case!
(Wrire for our free bookler
The Proof
of the Bible.)
Daniel 's four kingdoms
alone would give proof - bur rhere
is much more.
Ir became clearly cvidcnr rhar
when one goes ro Biblical revclarion
he is going ro a source rhar has been
subsranriared rhrough rhe cenruries
and che rnillenniums - yer che mosr
MISundersrood, misrepresenrcd, dis–
rorred, maligned book cvcr wrinen!
Yec I found rhar ir MADI! SENSE, when
insread of inrerprcring
inro ir whar one
ro believe. fr's
a Book rhac
be undersrood - and
righdy undersrood - if one is will–
The Purpose of Thís Series
Ir is rhe purpose of rhis series ro
give direly needed UNDERSTANDING
ro che claims of revclarion.
Ir does nor necessarily reguirc an
inrellecr superior ro rhar of scienrisrs
and theologians ro come ro chis un–
derscanding. Ir requircs merely an
open-mindcd willíngness ro consider
what is clearly srared. Why such
objeccive and open-rninded willing–
ness should be such a rare commodiry
is difficulr, indeed, ro comprehend.
As covered in Pare
of chis series,
our source of revelacion. che Biblc,
scarrs wirh che positive sraremcnr: "In
che beginning, God creared rhe
heaven and rhe earrh." No gucss. No
rheory. Jusr rhe posicive sraremenr.
From rhere, we proceeded ro cover
whar is revealed abouc prc-hisrory.
Then rhe posirive sraremenrs abour
rhe physical crearion in Genesis
Many sraremenrs in che Bible show
rhat Genesis
does noc describe rhe
complerion of crearion, bur merely
the physical creation.
In other words,
rhe physical material (primarily man)
with tuhich
ro BEGIN a far more impor–
Is Man an Animal?
Firsr, nocice more parcicularly whar
we covered in che preceding insrall–
ment in rhe lacter pare of rhar firsr
chapter of rhe book of Genesis.
Norice, now, what mosr usually
fai l ro nocice:
In verse
"And God creared
grear whales ... afrer rheir kind." Af–
rcr che WHALE kind.
... and every
winged fowl afrer his kind." Noc af–
difTerenr or lower kind, bur
afrer rhe winged fowl kind.
Conrinue, verse 25: ·'And God
made rhe beasr of rhe earch afrer his
kind, and caer!e afrer rheir kind ..."
- carde after che carde kind, lions af–
rer che !ion kind, bears after rhe bear
kind, apes afrer rhe ape kind.
MAN afrer rhe ape
Inscead, verse 26: ·'And God said,
lec us make roan jn our image, afrer
our likeness." Plainly, ir says God
made MAN afrer rhe Goo kind - nor
afrer any animal kind ! Thar is,
formed, shaped, like God - nor like
che ape, che horse, che cow.
When asked whar God looked
likc, Jesus said char if rhey had seen
TRUTH July 1972