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long overlooked rhe ecological conse–
quences of che sensible Bible com–
mand ro ''dress and kccp rhe garden."
This command forms rhe long necded
undergirding ro a right perspecrive
for using man's knowledge ro main–
rain, nor maim, che only home we
have - Spaceship Earrh.
Thc Bíblica( Garden of Eden ac–
rually represencs che much larger glo–
bal ecosysrcm. Throughour rhis
ecosysrem, natural wasce is recycled.
As planes grow, elemenrs from light,
soil, air and water combine ro form
wood, )caves, bark and orher planr ris–
sues. Wasce oxygen from rhe process
of phocosynrhesis is rcleased inro che
armosphere. Animals brcarhe chis
oxygen ro burn food. Animal wasre
feni lizes che soil which supporrs more
planr growch.
This recyding syscem concinually
operares in perfecr balance. There are
wasre produces released
into che ecosysrcm. "Wasre" in chis
sense is a
useful by-produce
of producrion.
Man's Processes Po llu re
In conrrasr, man's grear industrial
processes have noc provided for che
reuse of wasre. Ofcen, waste is labeled
undesirable, useless and somerhing ro
throw away. This concepr is faulry,
when viewed in conrexr of che global
Norhing can rruly be "thrown
away." Mareríals and energy can only
be changed in form, or moved from
one place ro anorher.
Whar man muse do is ro model his
industrial producrion processes after
natural processes. In rhe ccosysrem,
was tc from one process becomes in–
put or raw macerials for anorher.
The quesrion remains, "Is man
willing and financiaUy able ro reorder
environmencal misbehavior ro kcep
planee earrh alive?"
Srudies have shown rhar rhc
Unired Sraces
afford such an envi–
ronmenral cleanup,
the nalirm so
And che financia! coses of a
cleanup would accually be less rhan
rhe money already being paid our
ro crear che elfecrs of pollurion.
Bur is che United Srares or any na–
rion willing ro cake such acrion?
Hisrory providcs no preccdenr for
such a dramaric abour-face. And
presencly al! rhe powerful economic
resources plus coda)"s scicnrific genius
are nor enough. Man musr !caen che
proper pcrspeccive roward his envi–
ronmenr. Tradicional Chrisrianiry has
failed ro give man chis righr perspec–
civc. Yer che Book ir supposedJy fol–
lows poinrs vividly ro a furure time
when man's Creator will inrervene
and give man rhe needed imperus,
knowledge and righr perspecrive he
nccds in order ro properly cace for his
environmenr. Wichour chis incer–
vention, rhe earrh will become a life–
less spaceship hurding aimlessly
coward oblivion.
Happily, man and his environmenr
will be rescued in rime by rhe One
who creared both! Your Bible fore–
rells a rime of rhe "resriturion of all
rhings" - when the now-pollured
earrh will be rescored ro ics once pris–
rine condition. •
Vaiuab/e steel (on left
ín photo) and tin bars
are recovered by
M&T Chemícais Inc.
The steei can be used
steel milis. Tin
converted into solder
or strategic chemicais.
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