Page 13 - 1970S

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Above, the alwoys–
simmering Middle Eost
became o more omi–
nous threat to world
peoce ofter the 6-doy
Arob-lsraeli wor in
1967. Events in the
Mideast will become
mojor heodline-mokers
in the 70's.
left, Soviet-Red-Chi–
nese relations con–
tinued to worsen
throughout the decade,
resulting in mojor bor–
der clashes and co–
suolties. Here Soviet
troops pay lost re–
spects to comrade bor–
der guords killed dur–
ing a clash with Com–
munist Chinese troops.
lrom Sovloto
"not necessarily wrong" given the
proper situation.
In the mid-sixties, another theological
bombshell struck, with the proclamation
that "God is Dead !"
The decade began with hope for
meaningfuJ changes in Catholic tradition
with the opening of the Ecumenical
Council, but ended with the Church in–
creasingly fragmented with dissident
priests and theologians seeking radical
changes from past traditions. The au–
thority of the papacy was severely
questioned after Pope Paul VI, in 1968,
prodaimed the encydical condemning
all methods of birth control except thc
rhythm method.
The spiritual vacuum, left by the de–
cline of traditional religion, ushered in
new forms of unconventional religious
ritual with increasing interest in "mys–
tical" experiences, jazz or contemporary
dancing. Astrology also blossomed into
full form and was practiced in various
degrees by scores of millions. Others
sought satisfaction in cults of mysticism, types of witchcraft.
Look for a further decline in tradi–
tional religious customs and beliefs in
the Seventies. Also watch for a crisis
point to be reached within the Roman
Catholic Church between the Papacy