keys which
reveal how women can
find accomplishment and success.
Therefore, it is important that we
briefly examine this often overlooked
The Creator, in this account, is
quoted as saying, "So God created
roan in his own image, in the image
of God created he him; male and
female crcated he them. And God
blessed thcm, and God said unto them,
Be fruitful, and multiply, and re–
plenish the earth .... And God saw
cverything that he had made, and, be–
hold, it was very good" (Genesis 1:27,
28, 31).
Sex of itself is not evil, but neither
is it the invention of human beings,
as Millett claims. This account tells
us the Creator invented sexuality. The
roan and the woman were two distínct
roembers of the same kind - the
kind. They were slightly dif–
ferent expressions of the same entity.
That the woman was tempted first is
indeed a fact of the Creation account.
But the man also ate of the forbidden
fruit. In any case, the ultimate blame
The father contrib11tes lo his famii;?s
ha{'pineJJ and UJell-being
the means for togethemeu.
is put neither on the woman nor the
man but on the
He is the ulti–
mate guilty party.
The account of Adam and Eve is not
the only one to contain information
basic to an understanding of a
woman's role in society. The entire
Bible purports to
a guidebook for
living life to the full. When you pur–
chase an automobile or electrical ap–
pliance, the manufacturer sends with
it an instruction book. The instruction
book explains the purpose of the
mechanism, what it is expected to do,
and how it is to be operatcd.
The human individual- mind and
body -
is the most wonderful
mechanism in existence. Thc Bible is
an lnstruction Book sent along by the
divine Maker with His product, the
human being.
It instructs in the proper operation
of the human mechanism so that men
and woroen can accomplish a divioely
intended purpose. Part of that pur–
pose is to find the proper life role for
the woman - a life role that will be
chock full of the kind of satisfactions
that she needs and seeks.
This instruction book we call the
Bible defines a woman's purpose in
life and explains how she can be truly
happy. Let's briefly analyze one of its
chapters which explains this subject.
It's Proverbs 31.
The Effective Housewife
The chapter begins (Moffatt ver–
sion), "Sayings that Lemuel king of
leamed from his mother."
was a king who had an intelligent
mother. She had no Victorian prudery,
no sense of false shame, and instructed
him on the most personal matters.
"Son of mine, heed what I say, lis–
ten, O son of my prayers, and obey."
This wise mother continues, "Waste
not your strength on women .... It is
not for kjngs to
quaffing wine, nor
for princes to
swilling liquor . ...
Do justice toa widow, and Jet orphans