mediate sense righteousness pays off.
There can be no substitute for Chris–
tian character.
WHERE and HOW to Lead
In exercising these principies of ser–
vice and leadership, you will find
many opportunities to use them. First
of all, you can begin right in your
own family; for, as explained pre–
viously, your family is "a minialurc
In describing the qualifications of
an elder or minister, God says: " For
if a man know not how to
own house, how shall he take care of
the church of God ?" (I Timothy 3:5.)
The place to begin is at home.
All husbands should, in humility
and love, serve, inspire and lead their
families. They serve them by providing
for, protecting and guiding them as
a unit through the rough spots of life.
Yet, in this very service, they must
lead. They must exercise the very
qualities outlincd in this article.
And, very important, learn to
into your sons! For they
sho11/d be
the leaders in thc
World Tomorrow!
Apply the principies of this arti–
cle on your job, in your business or
on yous farm. Learn to think ahcad
and employ right imagination and
vision, decisiveness and courage. Learn
to get those under you organized -
and develop a proper method of dele–
gatiog responsibility to otbers, yet
being faithful and fair to them as
you want them to be to you.
A gloomy warning on the declioing
state of American leadership was
issued by former Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare John W.
Gardner. He said that unless the pres–
ent trend is reversed, "We are in
danger of falling under the leadership
of men who lack the confidence to
lead. And we are in danger of de–
stroying the effectiveness of those who
have a natural gift for leadership."
This society has lost its way.
It has no
substitutes com–
mittee meetings, discussions and public
opinion polls for Jeadership.
But happily a
is about to
be ushered in undcr the guidance of
the living Christ.
We call it the "Wodd Tomorrow."
Born to Rule
Perhaps you never realized that man
was created with powers far transcend–
ing the animal realm.
Read it, in your own Bible: "Let
us [God is speaking) make man in
our image, after our likeness: and
let tbem have
over the
fish of the sea, and over the fowl
of the air, and over the cattle, and
over all the earth ... " (Gen.
Why have so few understood what
the Bible says? Notice what Jesus
told His disciples: " I appoint unto
you a
as my Father hath ap–
pointed unto me; that ye may eat and
driok at my table in my kingdom, and
sit on thrones
j11dging [oc
the twelvc tribes of Israel" (Luke
Again, "And he that overcometh,
aod keepeth my works unto the cnd,
to him will I give power over the
nations: and he shall
them with
a rod of iron . .." (Revelation 2:26-
We human beings are put on this
earth to Jearn lessons in preparation
for ruling this earth - and ultimately
the entire univcrse - with and under
God! That's one big reason why there
are trials and tests, heartaches and
headaches, and lessons which are
learned through human suffering. Even
Jesus Jearoed " ... by tbe things which
he suffered" (Hebrews 5 :8). That's
how He became a leader.
But, even herc, rnany elderly peoplc
and women often ask: "But why
want to domineer over others
or give people orders? Why should I
be interested in this idea of being a
ruler in God's Goveroment ?"
Why, indeed?
Have you ever wanted to give real
and lasting help to the starving people
of India and China? Have you evcr
wanted to really and permanently help
the lonely, pitiful, lost-looking orphan
children around the world? Have you
ever genuinely wanted to quickly help
the blind, deaf and crippled?
Why You Should Want to Rule
In Tomorrow's World
As a
Jt'l'l 'tllll
and a
in God's
Kingdom, you will have that very kind
of opportunity!
We will have a genuine opportunity
to supernaturally help the sick, the
starving, thc orphaned, the crippled,
the blind, and the maimed! This kind
of leadership - the type that will
bring tears of thankfulness and joy
to the faces of millions - is some–
thing we all ought to fervently desire.
It is the real reason for thc Christian
life and our calling now.
Does it sound strange to your ears
that we can
made Jeaders in
a coming world-ruling govcrnment?
This is thc constant subject of the
announcemcnt brought by Jesus Christ
of the world-ruling government or
Kingdom of God. Those who over–
come will
made kings and priests
and rule over the nations. And our
children who live on through the
tumultuous days ahead may wcll be–
come the human leaders in the World
Tomorrow -
we have trained,
guided and inspired them to prepare
So, most of al!, prepare for that
day. It is coming sooner than you
think! Try to help and serve others
with thc knowledge that you have.
Develop and
these qualities of
leadership in your everyday life.
Christian leadership based on
is the best possible preparation
for your job as a king w1der Jesus
Christ in the World Tomorrow!
For at least a glimpse into the won–
derful opportunities for service we
will have in God's Kingdom, write
immediately for our free booklet,
The Wonderfrtl World Tomorrow–
Wi/J Be
Be sure you
read it carefully and study it with the
thought in mind of your part and
your leadership in God's Government
to serve others. •