Page 1272 - 1970S

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ing, shaping, and setting in motion
of a limitless cosmic universe - with
planets and stars and nebulae and
galaxies in all their splendor, each of
these vast units being of such intricate
and complex construction as the exist–
ing universe. On one of these planets
you would plan and produce all the
forms of life that exist on this planet
- and I do not mean reproduce, for
there would be no present universe
to copy. There would be worlds within
a world, down to the minutest infini–
tesimal particles of matter we cannot
even see by the aid of the most power–
ful microscopes.
Do you think your mind would be
equal to the task?
Just stop and think.
Is it rational, then, to believe that
any power or force lacking even hu–
man intelligence could have planned,
designed, created, formed, fashioned,
shaped, put together and set in motion
the awesome universe we behold
The First Great Cause who
then, stands revealed as the
The Miracle of Living Food
But again
say, look about you!
Here are human beings on this earth,
composed mainly of certain, specific
elements of matter - living, organic
matter. These elements of life must
be supplied and replenished through
food, water, and air.
No man with all bis ingenuity and
science and laboratory facilities CAN
PRODUCE FOOD! That is, he cannot
take plain inorganic matter and turn
it into the
substance properly
called food. But sorne Power, Force,
Intelligence, or Being did in some
way, at some time, start the process
going - a process far too wonderful
for any man to devise or produce.
And so it is that out of the ground
grows grass, and green leafy vege–
tables, and all other vegetables, and
vines, and trees yielding fruit - each
with its seed in itself, each through
this seed reproducing
after its kind
- and it is very good !.
But when a marvelous little grain
of wheat is planted in the ground,
a plant develops and sprouts above
the ground, and in some manner too
wonderful for any human mind to
understand or imitate, the elements
drunk in through thc roots from the
ground and synthesized from sunlight
are utilized by the life germ in the
seed of wheat, and new grains of
wheat appear.
During thís process, the inorganic
minerals dissolved in the ground,
drunk into the roots and carried up
into the new grain of wheat, have
been actually converted by photo–
synthesis into organic matter whích can
be assimilated as food .
And this same marvelous process
takes place in the growth out of the
ground of all grains, vegetables, fruits
and foods. When we eat animal meat
we are merely consuming, second–
hand, the vegetation which the animal
MAN, with all his technology and
laboratory facilities, with all his in–
ventive genius, lacks thc intelligence
and the powers to produce a grain
of wheat, or to convert inorganic mat–
ter into living food. Then is it rational
to say that forces or powers exist, of
NO intellígence, which have been able
to produce
living miracle of food?
Did not a far GREATER intelligence
than man design, create, and supply
man with all of this?
Man's Intelligence Versus God's
But now Jet's COMPARE the wisdom
and iotelligence of man with that of
God who brought these marvels into
being, aod keeps them functioning.
The grain of wheat Gon causes to
grow out of the ground is a perfect
food. But, like othcr perfect gifts
from God, man fails to value the
priceless perfection of the all-wise
God, and, undertaking to improve on
God's handiwork, perverts, pollutes,
and defiles it! Every bit of God's
perfection man's hand has ever
touched, it would seem, he has
besmirched, spoiled and polluted!
And the poor, defenseless grain of
wheat is no exception! lnto flour milis
of human devising go the millions of
bushels of healthful wheat. And there
the supposedly intelligent human takes
it apart, removes the alkal ine-reacting
mineral elements, and turns out
human consumption sacks of whitc
flour composed largely of the acid–
reacting carbohydrate elements - with
poison bleach added !
Out of this, the human popula–
tion makes heaJthless bread, biscuits,
doughnuts, pastries, puddings, maca–
roni, spaghetti, gravies, etc., etc., often
mixing Rour with "refined" sugar and
greases or fats - a combination guar–
anteed to wreck any organism in time!
Y es,
the sugar refiners do the same
thing to sugar; and nearly all foods
on the market for human consumption
today have gone through man's fac–
tories and suffered from man's pro–
cesses until they have been devita–
lized, depleted of tl1eir health-giving
nutrients, and turned from foods into
slow-acting poisons! And these food–
lcss foods with which man has tam–
pered in lust for pro.fits have pro–
duced in human bodies a whole series
of diseases of which our forefathers
of a few generations ago had never
There is a reason why the his–
tory of degenerative diseases has
paralleled the rise of modero tech–
Cause of Diseases
Today human beings drop dead
before their time with heart failure;
others die wíth cancer; the population
suffers rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes,
kidney diseases, anemia, colds, fevers,
pneumonia, and thousands of other
diseases. We respond to the tooth–
brush and toothpaste ads and franti–
cally brush our teeth, but our teeth
keep decaying, and we lose them be–
ginning at an early age because of
a lack of calcium and other elements
in our diet.
It would seem man is not very
intelligent after all!
Then, too, the God who created
this earth and all vegetation told us
to let our land líe idle every seventh