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Yes, when God renewed the face
of the earth, He made it excitingly
On the 4th day of that week of
physical creation and renewing of the
face of the earth, the sun and the moon
were caused to shine on the earth.
There is adequate reason to believe
that this was not the original creation
of the sun and the moon - but, ap–
parently, since the rebellion of Luci–
fer and the angels, they had been pre–
vented from shining on the earth.
The fifth day of that first week of
MAN'S earth saw the creation of the
present species of fish life in the seas,
lakes and rivers; fowls on the carth
and birds singing in thc air - more
BEAUTY produced. I quote a portion
of this description from Haydn's ora–
The Crealion:
On mighty pinions
Upward soars the eagle proud.
He cleaves the air,
And wings in swiftest Aight
His way to the sun.
A morning greeting
carols gay the lark;
And loving coo
And call the tender doves.
From every bush and grove trills
With sweetest note the nightingale
her song.
And the angels struck their
immortal harps
And sang the wonders of the
fifth day.
How lovely now appear,
In freshest green arrayed,
The gentle sloping hills.
And welling from their sides,
Gush forth in crystal flow
The sparkling, cooling rills.
Now blithely circling play,
Aod Autter in the air,
The joyous feathered hosts.
Their glossy plumage gay
A myriad hues displays,
When golden the sunlight plays.
Swift Aashing through the waters
The fish dart ever to and fro,
In restless throngs,
From the bed of the ocean dcep
Rises up Leviathan,
Aod sports on the billow's crest.
Now verse 24: "And God said, Let
the earth bring forth the living crea–
ture after bis kind, cattle, and creeping
thing, and beast of the earth after his
kind: and it was so. And God made
the beast of the earth after his kind,
and cattle after their kind, and every
thing that creepeth upon the earth
after bis kind: and God saw that it
was good."
And another portion of the descrip–
tion from Haydn's
The Crea/ion:
Straight opeoing her fertile womb,
The earth brought forth at God's
Creatures of every kind,
AH fully grown in countless numbcrs.
Contented, roaring stands the
Iion there.
Here, supple and lithe, the
tiger appears.
Raising his antlered head speeds
swift tbe stag.
All vigor and fire, with flying
Impatient neighs the noble steed.
On pastures green
The cattle seek tbeir food,
divided into herds.
And o'er the meads, see, scattered
far and wide
The fleecy, gentle sheep.
Like sandclouds whirling,
myriads swarming,
Rise hosts of insects.
In long procession creep the reptile
and the worm.
Now in full splendour shines the
Now robed in beauty smiles the
The air is filled with fluttering
And shoals of fish the waters
are teeming.
The earth abounds with living
And still not aH was yet achieved.
The whole was lacking sti 11 that
That should the works of God
With thankful heart His goodness
And now was to come the crowning
piece of God's handiwork -
"And God said, Let us make man in
our image, after our likeness.... So
God created man in his own image,
in the image of God created he him:
maJe and female created he them....
And God saw every thing that he had
made, and, behold, it was very good.
And the evening and the morning
were the sixth day" (Gen. 1 :26-27,
31 ).
And with this first chapter of the
first book in the Bible- Genesis -
so ends the renewing of the face of the
earth, and the PHYSICAL CREATJON for
this present earth.
But many astounding surprises now
await us.
For that was
the end of God's
creative work. Now was to come the
far more important SPIRITUAL creation
- still going on today! The creative
work recorded in Genesis
produced the physical material
to BEGIN the spiritual creation
- far more important than the origi–
nal creation of the angels !
WHY did God create and put man–
kind on this earth? What is the real
PURPOSE of human Ji fe? Almost no–
body knows! Yet the Bible reveals it
plainly and unmistakably!
Did God create man an ANIMAL? Is
man an animal? Expect some sur–
Is man an immortal soul?
How do you account for the VAST
GULF between the capacities of human
MINO and animal BRAIN, especially
when the more intelligent animal
brains are almost identical with human
brain in size, in weight, and in
How did man come to be
- with such marvelous inteJJect, yet
utterly incapable of solving his own
problems? WHY all the mounting and
accelerating EVILS in the world? How
did it all start? Did God create it to
be that way?
From here on, expect amazing sur–
prises. You will THRILL to the dis–
covery of the MISSlNG DIMENSION IN
( Conthmed m a later isJtle)