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healthful, invigorating activities. Take
them hunting or canoeing. Teach them
to take care of themselves under many
circumstances. Teach them to work
hard, to accomplish and produce.
Teach them to be self-reliant and not
weak or effeminate. Teach them to
keep their voices low and speak Jike
you orient your children's play
and activitics around the family and
occasionally allow them to bring in
one or two other children of good
character, you will prevent a great deal
of the tendency toward juvenile
delinquency, an evil into which so
children fall . You
wiH be establishing a close contact
with them which wi ll enabJe you to
guide their lives for many years in the
Family Training and Discipline
Many people train their dogs better
than they train their own Resh and
They will spend hours teaching
their dog to sit, to heel and to respond
to commands.
Yet practically no time is given to
teaching their own children similar
habits of obedience.
The living God instructs us: "Train
up a child in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he will not depart
from it" (Proverbs 22 :6). As a par–
ent, you have both the responsibility
and the oppor–
tunity not only
to teach your
children obedi–
ence and respect
for the rights
and property of
others, but also to
teach them person–
ality developmcnt,
proper culture, and
the importance of
self-discipline and
study. You have in
your own hands po–
tential leaders of the
World Tomorrow!
all depends upon how
TRUTH May 1972
much time and effort you are willing
to put into training them.
"Foolishness is bound in thc hcart
of a child; but the rod of correction
shall drive it far from him" ( Proverbs
22:15). Here God shows us that all
children are potential juvenile de–
is a matter of
and teaching
them the right way; and
if necessary, with complete restraint
and self-control,
1panki11g them
they disobey explicit commands and
instructions. This does NOT mean to
unme rcifully BEAT a child in anger,
but to quietly, calmly, and with com–
plete self-control spank him, in the
place which Almighty God providcd,
until his little mind is truly sorry for
his foolishness! This kind of LOVINC
correction is something that gives
child a deeper sense of security and
balance in bis mind and personality
than he will ever get by any other
method ! For a further explanation of
this tremendously important subject,
write immediately for our booklet,
The Piai11 Tmth Abo111 Chi/d Rearing.
This booklet will give you priccless
information on child discipline.
So be
sure that you make this matter
of family training and discipline an
important part of your family's Jife.
Teach your children not onJy to con–
troJ themselves physically but also to
control their emotions, their tem–
pers, and their
thoughts. Guide them away from com–
petition, greed, violence, envy, foolish
daydreaming, and Just. Teach them to
think positively, to live positively, and
to have the goal of fulfilling their
Creator's purpose and preparing for
the fantastic life ahead in the World
Build Family Loyalty and Love
Severa! years ago, you may have
read the account in your newspapers
of the young American who left his
family, his home, and all of the bless–
ings of this society he had aJways
known, to go some 8,000 miles away
from America to search for his brother
who was supposedly taken prisoner or
killed by the Viet Cong.
do not
know the exact details of this case, but
do know that
touched by the
example of this man's LOYALTY to his
Iost brother. For this example - at
far as it goes - is a GODLY
thing, and altogether too lacking in
our society today!
Your Bible reveals that God Him–
self is a family. There is the Father,
and the fustborn Son, Jesus Chríst
(Romans 8:29). And all of us have
the fantastic opportunity to become
born sons of God in the future!
(Request our booklets
hat Do
Mean ... Born Again?
They fully explain the
beautiful analogy between the human
family and the God family.) Your
What you will learn
from this book
What is a Chiid?
CriminalJ are made, no/ bom
child Jearm.
can prmiJh yom child–
in love.
How to get reSII!tJ.
Shortld children be uen and
not heard?
Y o11r chiidren al play.
How to prepare your chiidren
for Jchool.
How lo help yortr teen-agers!