Page 1216 - 1970S

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is a
The father' s words
down the ha ll
as o
policeman stood in the
But why
why should family tragedy strike
are you bothering us at
this hour ?" demanded the
father as he listened to
the sheriff's officer. "Does he need
money? Let me know and l'IJ send it
along. But don't bother us at this time
of night !"
Was the father worried that his 15·
year-old had been out half the night
and was in trouble with the police?
Hardly. If he were like many a father,
he would have been more upset
because his drinking party and poker
playing had been interrupted.
T oo Many Don't Care
Throughout rnuch of America, Brit–
ain, and the English-speaking world,
youth have been given NO PURPOSE
for life, no real training, no discipline,
and precious little love, attention aod
interest from their parents.
Yet they are OUR CHILDREN -
our neighbor's just clown the way.
They live on our street, in our city -
now! They will certainly affect our
future - for they are to be leaders of
Increasingly, Jaw enforcement offi–
dals have come to realize that parents
of mixed-up children are often the
chief culprits. How many a sheriff's
What's the cure?
Roderick C. Meredith
officer has warned: "The real trouble
here is that too many pareots don't
don't care - where their
children are at night."
lt's time parents everywhere WOKE
you are a parent, theo you have
a God-giveo responsibility to teach
and traio your chi ldren. You also have
the opportuoity to make your family
Iife joyful and productive - thereby
enriching your own life immeasurably
while preparing leaders for the World
How to Share in the
Abundant Life
The great GOD of Creation iospi red
the Psalmist to write: "Except the
Lord build the house, they labour in
vain that build it ..." (Psalm 127:1).
How many homes are built Goo's
way instead of
man's way?
Have you ever considered what the
Psalmist continues to say? "Lo, chil–
dren are an heritage of the Lord: and
the fruit of the womb is his reward.
As arrows are
the hand of a mighty
man; so are childreo of tbe youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver
full of them: they shall not
ashamed, but they shall speak with the
enemies in the gate" (Psalm 127:3-5).
Our Creator - yes, there
a Cre–
ator God - is telling us here that chil–
dren are a BLESSING - not a curse!
Yet, all too often parents feel frustra–
ted and "botbered" that they have to
take time to play with, to give atten–
tion to, and to teach and train their
darling children. Children should be
"darling" if parents have given them
right attention. "Happy" is the man
who has his quiver full of them.
Again, the God whom most educa–
toes refuse to admit into their knowl–
edge says:
is every one that
feareth the Lord; that walketh in his
ways.... Thy wife shall be as a fruit–
ful vine by the sides of thine house:
thy childreo like olive plants round
about thy table" (Psalm 128:1-3).
What an uplifting and inspiring
picture! Here is the father with his
lovely and submissive wife by his side,
surrounded by the dean, wholesome,
uplifted faces of their children - the
fruit of their bodies and of their lives.
pictured a miniature "king–
dom," if you please, with the father as
the king and the motber as tbe queen
over this small - but very happy -
Every family should be just such a
kingdom ! Every home should reflect a