Page 113 - 1970S

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King loopold
Most of block Africo's modern notions find their
central governments ore dependen! on regional or tribal support. Eoch
region or tribe is concerned first w ith its own needs. Notionol interests
usuolly come second. Villogers, in top photo, on the Tshupa River, Equator
Province, Congo Republic, live in poverty by Western standards. like most
tribes, they lack financial resources lo support central government projects
to modernize Congolese towns.
coups in l969 alone toppled the govern–
ments of Dahomey, Somalia, Libya and
the Sudan.
Sorne experts believe democracy bores
most Africans. They believe the days of
democracy are numbered. Sorne contend
that as white influence declines, many
black tribcs will revert to former
cultural patterns.
The reason? At the time independence
was granted, Zambia had only 89 uni–
versity graduates in the entire country.
In Tanzania, there were only 69 grad–
uates. In Malawi there were
lack of cducation is certainly an obstade
that must be overcome.
Tribal Hatreds Fiare
Since the beginning of African inde–
pendence, severa! million Africans have
been uprootcd from tbeir homes, fleeing
from soldiers and enemy tribes across
national boundaries, creating a massivc
refugee problem. No more than a
quarter or a third are refugees from
white-controlled countries. The others
are victims of African civil wars, politi–
cal oppression, and tribal hatred!
"A grcat problem acose," said