Page 1063 - 1970S

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disease no one wants to talk about"
is running out of control. But it need not hap–
pen. The real underlying cause of venereal
disease can be wiped out.
Donald D. Schroeder
" y ou
have the good luck to be having a sex life ata time
when medical science is able to knock out the venereal
• • •
disease in rapid order....
you do get a sore ora dis-
charge or the feeling thar something is wrong ... run to your gy–
necologist and get fixed up"
(The Sensu.ous Woman,
"]" ).
Thus claims the number one bestseller of recent months. Such
erroneous ideas have been read by perhaps ten to twenty million
American women. Millions of orher men and women receive the same
misleading message from reading certain other popular and various
"swinging singles" publications.
The idea
swing now, get the shot later; play now, take penicil–
lin later.
The Other Side Of the Story
one outstanding problem with
advice to love-sick
young women swingers - it's totally wrong in at least three fourths
of the female cases of gonorrhea and in many cases of syphilis.
Venereal disease may well NOT be a "feeling that something' s
wrong." It may
be a "sore or discharge" as in about
percent of
the females infected with gonorrhea.
a vast number of VD victims,
symproms may not show up for years. Not until a child is born blind
or syphilitic- or not born at aU due to sterility- will many women
know they have VD. Not until a heart attack, iosanity or blindness
strikes in middle age, will a large number of infected males realize