Page 1017 - 1970S

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Dying AmericanCity
In 1967, Newark suffered
one of
the worst race riots in
American history. Today, it leads the nation in crime, drug
abuse, VD, tuberculosis, substandard housing, per capita
welfare, property tax rafes , even maternal mortality.
William R. Whikehart
EWARK, NEw JERSEY is not an
especially outstanding city. It is
far from being the Jargest. Like
other cities, Newark has familiar pat–
terns of industriaJization, racial migra–
tion, rapid "ghetto-ization," followed by
urban deterioration. These are
unique to Newark; other cities, sorne
much larger, sorne much smaller, face
the same dilemma.
Yet, Newark is generally credited
with the dubious distinction of being
America's worst city. There are reasons
why. They stand as a warning to all of
urban America - a warning that must
be sounded. Perhaps there is yet time
for Newark and other deteriorating
world cities to alter their collision
course with disaster.
Problem-Model for
the Nation
Many urbanologists have dubbed
Newark the "textbook example of the
city in crisis." In essence, they have
labeled it an urban problem-model for
the United States.
Dr. George Sternlieb, Director of
Rutgers Urban Studies Center, singles
out Newark as the "urban prototype."
He continues with the observation that
"A few years from now it will be Buf–
falo, Cleveland, St. Louis, or Akron,
and then it will be every older city in