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December 1971
Jalem: The Strange Coaiilion
by Inge
Deutschkron ).
When the arms shipments carne to
light, international concern along with
Arab threats to recognize the East Ger–
man Democratic Republic brought thc
deal to a dose. This in spite of the fact
that Egypt was openly receiving almost
unlimited military equipment from the
Despite continued Arab pressure on
.May 12, 1965. after long and arduous
discussions in both Bonn and Jerusalem,
full diplomatic relations were estab·
lished between Israel and West Ger–
many, the strongest membcr of the
European Economic Community (EEC).
For the fledgling Jewish nntion, one of
the few countrics not linked lo a single
Above right: German freighters
wail lo be unloaded in the
Israelí Mediterranean port of
Haifa. Below, left: Israelí pro–
duce finds ils way into the mar–
kets of West Germany. Below,
right: "Israel Week" is adver–
tised in o prominenl slore win–
dow display in Stuttgarl, Wesl