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History is repeating itself in our day and time. The marriages of the same gender in the
past few years have grown and been accepted by society so much they have been
legalized by the Judiciary on the highest level and continue to be encouraged by those in
the highest offices in the House of Joseph.
Similar problems have existed since the time of Noah's grand-son sodomizing him while
he was drunk
(Genesis 9:
and continued throughout the almost
years of
man's tenure on earth.
But they have been limited in comparison until the beginning of the end of this age
when they have been seen to mushroom once again as they did in past civilizations.
When viewing society as it was until very recent years, homosexuality was viewed as
being abnormal and disgusting. They remained in the closet.
The Rebellion of Cush and Nimrod
Scripture reveals that a little over one century after the Flood
years later,
when Noah was first commissioned by God to send colonies to assigned areas of the
world, the rebels under the rule of Cush and Nimrod were defying God's plan for
humanity by building a Tower to keep them altogether and under their rule
Now the whole earth had one language and one speech
(one thought and one
The Tower of Babel
Foreseeing the potential problems that would develop and disrupt His Time Table for
the ultimate salvation of mankind, the LORD God then confused mankind's one
language and scattered them throughout the earth:
Now the whole earth had one language and
one speech. And it came to pass, as they
journeyed from the east
(not the whole human
race, verses 3-4, just the rebels under the leadership
of Cush and Nimrod),
that they found a plain in
the land of Shinar
(Hebrew name for Babylon,
Iraq today),
and they dwelt there.
Then one said to one another, "Come, let us
make bricks and bake them thoroughly."
And they said, "Come let us build ourselves
and a tower whose top is in the heavens
(probably a religious edifice with