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History is Replete with Racial Superiority
The LORD God took the needed action to forestall the same problems that had brought
about the destruction of the pre-flood world of Noah; a world that was permeated with
evil and violence of every possible kind.
The LORD God viewed His very special creation of that period of time, mankind, and
seeing how they had debased their God-given minds through their practice of
lawlessness to its lowest level He knew that if His Master Plan was to go forward that
world had to be destroyed. He would then start over with only one family.
The following is what the LORD God saw upon viewing that world after experiencing a
population explosion, such as exists today:
Now it came to pass, WHEN men began to MULTIPLY on the face of the
earth, and daughters were born to them that the sons of god saw the
daughters of men, that they were beautiful
and they took wives for
themselves of all whom they chose (Genesis
Exploring Ancient History,
Chapter 6, Roy Schultz:
"A correct understanding of Genesis
makes this plain: " ..•
saw the daughters of men that they were FAIR:
and THEY took them WIVES of all which THEY
First of all notice the term
"sons of God".
The word
translated "God" with a capital "G" in the king James
translation is the Hebrew Elohiym. In most cases in the Bible, as in Genesis
word refers to the God Kingdom or Family. But this term is not strictly limited to this
use and meaning. The context determines the proper way to apply this word in a given
verse. In the case of Genesis
it should be translated with a lower verse case "g" -
god or gods.
The expression "sons of god(S)" in this verse has traditionally been assumed to be a
reference to the descendants of Seth, the "good" line in the pre-Flood society. And "the
daughters of men" was thought to mean the line of Cain. But just the reverse is true!
There were, of course, these two basic groups of people before the Flood. But it is
abundantly clear that the line of Seth was the WHITE race while the family of Cain was
But, who in this verse, is described as being "FAIR"? The "DAUGHTERS OF MEN"!
They are the ones with the light complexions! So this expression actually refers to the
women in the line of Seth and Enos!