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This is very evident in the society of the pre-Flood world of Noah. Leaders rose up and
led their peoples into violent warfare between the races. The objective was one race
seeking to overpower and dominate the other races.
World War II
This was also evident during World War II when Adolph Hitler sought to develop a
Master Race with the Germans of Aryan Descent interbreeding with the careful selection
of particular races that would result in a Master Race:
"Woe to Assyria
(modern day Germany),
the rod of My anger and the staff in
whose hand is My indignation. I will send him against an ungodly nation
and against the people of My wrath I will give him a charge to seize
the spoil, to take the prey, and tread them down like the mire of the streets.
(at this present time)
he does not think so; but it is his heart to destroy
(always has been for the most part throughout history).
For he says, "Are not My
Princes altogether KINGS
(A Master Race)?"
(Isaiah 10:5-8).
Werner Goldberg, who was of half Jewish ancestry or
in Nazi terminology, who was blond and blue-eyed, was used in
Nazi recruitment posters as "The Ideal German Soldier."
Master race
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"Herrenvolk" redirects here. For other uses, see
Herrenvolk (disambiguation) .
"Superior race" and "inferior race" redirect here. For
other uses, see racial superiority.
Arno Breker's 1939 neoclassical sculpture
Partei (The Party),
which flanked one of the
entrances to the Albert Speer designed Reich
Chancellery of the Third Reich, encapsulated the
National Socialist ideals of the Aryan master
Die Partei
was considered the physical
embodiment of the spirit of the Nazi Party. As
believers in eugenics, the Nazis attempted to
create a Nordic Aryan master race, or
race .
master race
die Herrenrasse,
das Herrenvolk
(help ·info))
is a concept in Nazi