“You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife”
Exodus 20:17
Men and women are so overly obsessed with the pursuit of sex in this present day
society and most women dress themselves with as much exposure as possible to arouse
desire within men. Any and everything goes for the most part –
a lifestyle of freedom!
Even married women wear scant clothing to cover their endowed bodies. This makes it
much more difficult for a man to restrain himself from coveting his neighbor’s wife.
The LORD God created within man a strong sexual
desire for a woman; and she for the man. If this were
not so there would be no marriages between man and
woman, and no giving birth to children.
This would defeat God’s Master Plan for the
expansion of His Spirit Family. This can be
understood by what the LORD God said at the time of
the creation of mankind.
After God having created Adam and Eve and then blessing them in marriage, He told
them to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth
(Genesis 1:26-28).
It was God’s desire to
expand His Spirit Family in years to come. And it was for this reason both man and
woman were created to have strong sexual attraction and desire to cohabit with one
At the same time God’s law teaches men and women to exercise control over their very
strong passions lest they sin against Him. Man having been created to be the aggressor
by having the stimulus to seek a woman for marriage is warned this can easily get out of
control unless he struggles against it.
Mathew 5:28 “But I say to you that whoever LOOKS on a woman to LUST
for her has already committed adultery in his heart.”
The society of today does not live by the teachings of God’s laws for in reality they do not
know Him nor His laws.
It is a lawless society in which many people live together without the benefit of
marriage. Statistics also reveal many men and women in marriage either cheat or have
cheated on their lawful mates by committing adultery.
Little do they realize that in time to come, unless there is true heartbroken repentance,
they will pay a terrible penalty on judgment day while standing before Jesus Christ
Romans 14:10; II Corinthians 5:10