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Isaiah 42:21 “The LORD is well pleased for His righteousness sake; He will
) His law and make it honorable.”
Liars are an Abomination to God
God emphasizes His commandment not to bear false witness against one’s neighbor by
making known He hates any form of deceit and lying that would create a problem for his
Proverbs 6:16-19 “There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are
an abomination to him: haughty eyes, A LYING TONGUE, and hands that
shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste
to run to evil, A FALSE WITNESS WHO BREATHES OUT LIES, and one who
sows discord among brothers.”
To lie or bear false witness is the most damaging thing one can do to his or her character
as a person of worth to all others.
Lies against a Neighbor
Lies or false allegations happen all the time in this age. Tragically, once something false
is said or printed about a neighbor, and believed to be true at the time, then to be found
later not true, even though it is acknowledged this was wrong it is hard for those who
have heard or read it to get it out of their minds.
To make the point: something very bad about a person has sometimes been found
printed on the front page of Newspapers. When found to be in error, if retracted, it is
often found buried in the back pages where many will never see the retraction.
The charge that has been brought against a neighbor does not always end with trying to
correct a wrong! For with some people upon seeing the person who has been wronged,
though acknowledged to be wrong, will wonder whether it was true after all.
A Story about a Goose
A little story was once told on the Radio many years ago about a man who told
something bad about his neighbor and discovered later it to be untrue. He went to his
priest and confessed what he had done and wanted to know what he could do to correct
He was then told to go and pluck the feathers
out of a goose and bring them to him; which
he did. The priest told him to throw the
feathers up into the strong wind. Then the
priest told him to go and gather up the
feathers. Seeing the feathers had been blown