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That night again I couldn't get to sleep until after midnight--was
up an hour and a half or more at one time, and managed to get no more than
about 5 hours sleep. I went back to bed in one last desperate effort to
try to gain a little strength in more sleep. I asked my wife to awaken me,
if asleep, just in time to shower, shave, dress and get to the Tucson
Community Center.
If Satan could impotize me--make me too weak to go on--at this last
moment, he could have undone the miracle God had given us in setting up
this "IMPOSSIBLE" hookup. But God DID NOT LET ME DOWN! Through the
morning I did succeed in getting a little more sleep--not as much as needed
--but it helped greatly. My wife's faith never ebbed, and her unperturbed
assurance was almost provoking--YET REASSURING to me. She never doubted
a minute.
I was certainly under par physically. My voice seemed husky, even
after I arrived at the Community Center. Actually, in spite of hurrying
when finally awakened, I was about ten minutes late arriving at the
auditorium. I guess you all heard the long applause when I entered--as
Mr. Rader was speaking. That was inspiring, and now I knew God would lift
me up to the occasion!
Local TV station cameras were there. One local TV news report that
night said I started out slowly and a little tired, but gained momentum.
The huskiness left my voice. I was now in the hands of the Lord Jesus
Christ, safe from any further thrusts of Satan. The living Jesus DID lift
me up to the occasion. I knew I had HIS Message!
I feel God had given me the best and most complete final-day Message
of my life. It is awesome to realize that God has revealed and given to
all of you through me such a Message, summarizing God's Great Master Plan
from original creation to now--and on through the Great White Throne Judg­
ment after the millennial reign of Christ.
Jesus Christ wanted YOU and all
Message which came from HIM. No man
spoken such a Message in 1900 years!
His people to really fully grasp that
outside God's Church today has ever
How many REALLY LISTEN? How many really GET the overwhelming MEANING
of God's Great PURPOSE? Are there some like Ezekiel reports?
"Also, thou
son of man, the children of MY PEOPLE ... come unto thee ... and they sit
before thee as my �ople (not as outsiders), and they hear thy words, but
they will not do them: for with their mouth they show much love, but their
heart goeth after their covetousness. And, lo, thou art unto them as a
very lovely song of one that hath a pleasant voice, and can play well on
an instrument: for they hear thy words, but they do them not" (they do not
really LISTEN--do not get the MEANING--could not remember afterward what
was really said--did not grasp or understand the real MESSAGE) (Ezek. 33:
30-32). Is not that a Message for the Church--GOD'S people--in these
latter days?
Might it not be good sermon material for you to speak on this subject
of really LISTENING--absorbing the MEANING--instead of the way I find I
myself listen to MUSIC? I have a single-track mind, which can be con­
sciously on but ONE THING AT A TIME. If I hear a song, it is natural for