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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 18, 1979
Page 13
In fact a new West German Defense white paper unequivocally rejects any
thought of a European nuclear force decoupled from the U.S. "Nothing
could be farther from the aim of the federal government than to create
a European nuclear force," the paper states. But, of course, the white
paper expresses the view of the current Social Democratic Party in power.
(Look for Franz Josef Strauss, former conservative Defense Minister and
now CDU Chancellor candidate, to get much political mileage out of the
Kissinger bombshell.)
In other areas, the Germans and the French are co-operating to a remark­
able degree, in a rela�onship the New York Times Magazine calls "the new
entente cordiale." As doubts about America grow--and as long as Mr.
Carter is in power--their mutual interests are bound to intensify.
--Gene H. Hogberg, News Bureau