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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 18, 1979
Page 9
great interest and one of the nuns in the audience was quoted as saying,
"Very good, very good," as Mr. Macaraeg answered many follow-up questions.
Mr. Pete Melendez, a Local Elder, spoke before 60 students and faculty of
the Philippine National School for the Blind in Pasay City, Metro Manila,
August 30. He spoke on the subject, "How to Develop Confidence." The
students (ages 16 and above) and faculty were enthusiastic about the sub­
ject and asked many questions during the forum following the lecture.
The invitation came about as a result of a suggestion by a blind member
of God's Church who is presently enrolled in that school. The lecture
was actually the first in a series on social behavior and human develop­
ment as applied to the blind. Succeeding lectures which will be held
monthly, will cover such topics as laws of success, family relation1hipe,
dating and marriage.
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
Mr. Armstrong's radio and television
impact on our listeners and viewers.
are being led to an understanding of
example letters.
Radio and Television Responses
programs are having an increasing
Mail responses indicate many people
God's Way. Following are a few
--Mail Processing Center
This morning I turned on my radio and got the last half of your
sermon, but that was enough to wake me up to the fact that I was
going at finding God the wrong way. I've been trying to proposition
God to let me have financial security in return for my being a part
of His Kingdom.
The little business that I had going, "Bob's Key and Lock Service"
--a good key concession in a local department store--I had to close
up and move because the store manager would not renew my lease.
This happened last Friday. I was dumbfounded. So this Sunday
morning to say I was "depressed" is putting it mildly. While
having my morning coffee I thought I'd turn on the news, but in­
stead of news, you came on the air. I thought I'd listen--maybe
a sermon might help. And did it help!
I sincerely believe that God had something to do with me tuning
in to get the morning news, as your sermon certainly woke me up
to the fact that I'm the� that's been going at this thing all
wrong--"God, you help me and I'll help you." What a laugh! So
please, Mr. Armstrong, mail me the literature as mentioned on
your program.
--Robert C. Allen (Pompano Beach, FL)
Each evening as I listen to you, again and again I am moved to tell
you how much I appreciate truths you have spoken through the years
on The WORLD TOMORROW broadcasts. I am so very grateful, and even
though some of the tapes were made some years ago, God's truths are