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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1979
Page 9
Thousands of letters over the past few months have related appreciation and
a sense of excitement for the positive changes taking place in the Church
as Mr. Armstrong moves to prepare the Church for Christ's return.
Many brethren are experiencing a strengthening of their faith and rejuve­
nation of their spirit as they rediscover the "truth" of the Bible and re­
gain a "first love" once more. Following are a few typical letters.
--Mail Processing Center
Appreciation for Getting Us Back On the Track
I praise you to God each day for your zeal and dedication. I usually
don't comment when I send in my checks, but I particularly wanted to
this time. Thanks for doing a truly magnificent job. Please continue
to admonish and correct us, for Christ is coming soon, and we seem to
lack the power to clean up our act on our own. Yet we must. So spare
the pablum and feed us the hard truth we need so badly, as you have
always done.
--David G. Huffman {New Orleans, LA)
My husband and I want to take the opportunity to thank you with all
of.our hearts for all the love and concern that you have for the Church.
We feel that you are like a father to us, lovingly leading us in the
way we should go, instructing us and expounding to us the things that
God wants us to learn.
It must, at times, seem very discouraging to you when you view the
condition of the Church in the U.S. But we want you to know that many,
many brethren are becoming stronger in the faith by watching your
strong and loyal example.
God indeed is on His throne!!! And through your efforts He will set
His Church back on track. Thanks a million! What more can we say?
Hang in there! Fight the good fight! Keep on swinging like you have
for all these years, through trials and troubles.
--Mr. & Mrs. David Harris (Pasadena, CA)
Be assured we are behind you in prayer and our support. Where would
we be without you? Because of your sacrifices and faithfulness to God
and His tituth throughout your life, God was able to call us. Because
of your dogged determination, I can have hope in Christ. For this,
I thank you.
--Linda C. Holley (Akron, OH)
I feel so much better spiritually and physically now that you are
getting God's Church back on the track. I don't fail to thank God
for you and pray that He will continue to strengthen you physically
and spiritually.
"The articles in The GOO D NEWS and PLAIN TRUTH are so interesting
now--like old times. I can hardly put them down until I have devoured
everyone of them.
--Mrs. Margaret Gipson ( Dawson, TX)