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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1979
Page 7
of some. We need to remember II Cor. 4:17-18: "For our light affliction,
which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen�ut at
the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal;
but the things which are not seen are eternal."
This Work has always been a Work of faith. We must also walk by faith in
our individual lives, trusting God for all our needs. As Paul says in
II Cor. 5: 7, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."
We are only sojourners in this world, and our citizenship is not of this
world. It is not wrong for a minister to buy a home. It is wrong when he
allows that or anything else to stand between him and his calling and res­
ponsibility in the ministry. When a minister of God purchases a home he
must also be willing to leave it if necessary, without great anxiety over
profit. He should trust God for his needs, and God will bless him in other
ways if the attitude is one of confidence in God, not in mammon.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
The Festival break this year for Pasadena employees begins September 29
and ends October 15. This means that all departments on campus will be
closed during that period. All invoices that need to be paid before the
Feast will have to be to the Accounting Dept. by September 20 to insure
payment within the last week before the Feast.
The expense allotment checks that would normally be mailed about October 12
will probably be mailed on October 19. The November checks will be mailed
at the normal time.
Central Clearing Account
By way of a reminder, the pink copies of the Central Clearing Account checks
need to be kept permanently with the Church area that they were written
for. In other words, when cleaning out your office, do not throw them
away--keep them. If you are being transferred, give the pink slips to the
new pastor; do not take them with you.
Also, please remember to send in the yellow Expense Report slips as soon
as possible after writing a Central Clearing Account check. Our goal is
to reduce the amount on the Exception Report to a reasonable figure. The
only way we can do this is by receiving the yellow slips promptly from you.
We do appreciate all the help you have been giving-us.
--Joe Tkach
(Editor's Note: As reported before, Mr. Rader has been making contacts
and arrangements with Chinese government and university officials in pre­
paration for Mr. Armstrong's momentous trip to the People's Republic of
China. Following is a news release dated August 31, giving further details
of Mr. Rader's recent activities on Mr. Armstrong's behalf.)