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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, September 5, 1979
Page 4
God's FURY is an expression used many times in prophecies to indicate
the troubles soon to strike us--Great Tribulation and the first phase of
the "Day of the Lord"--which shall climax in CHRIST'S SECOND COMING!
It is clearly evident that this prophecy is for our peoples and for
OUR TIME--the latter half of the twentieth century.
into chapter 6, "In all your dwellingplaces THE CITIES SHALL BE LAID WASTE"
(Verse 6). This could be accomplished only by NUCLEAR DESTRUCTION. The
TIME of this prophecy is now JUST AHEAD OF US!
Verse 7: "And the slain shall fall in the midst of you, and ye shall
know that I am the LORD." This latter is an expression many times used
by Ezekiel referring to the second coming of Christ. Our peoples as a
whole do not really know that Christ is LORD. The State of California does
not--their invasion of God's property shows they think "CAESAR" is lord.
So there is no mistaking the TIMING of this prophecy. It is to happen in
the approximate NEAR FUTURE--but we cannot set dates.
To continue through Ezekiel, expounding it, would take a hundred pages.
But, speaking especially to the ministry of God's Church, I want to include
some of chapter 34 where it speaks of the clergy of the American and British
"Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy and say
unto them, Thus saith the Lord ETERNAL unto the shepherds; Woe be to the
shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed
the flocks?" (with the Word of God). '' ...The diseased have ye not strength­
ened, neither have ye healed that which was sick...'' (Verses 2, 4). Some
of our ministry wanted to do away with healing. God put HEALING in His
Church. He put it in 1900 years ago through the original apostles. He put
it in today's era of the Church through me, His apostle. DO NOT BE GUILTY
OF NEGLECT IN THIS IMPORTANT DOCTRINE. But the Catholic and Protestant
ministers RELY ON HUMAN DOCTORS AND MEDICINES! And God here upbraids them
for this!
Continue (verse 4): "...neither have ye sought that which was lost"-­
here speaking of the "LOST" TEN TRIBES. Certainly the clergy of "traditional
Christianity" have not sought to locate the "LOST" House of Israel. God
revealed their identity and location to me before the present era of God's
Church was started, and it has always been a PRIMARY DOCTRINE of this Church.
Yet some few of our ministers have rejected this TRUTH, and even tried to
destroy it from the Church. While I was overseas �nd did not know they
were doing it, some, under my son Garner Ted, REDUCED the booklet "United
States and Britain in PROPHECY" eliminating vitally important parts of it.
A new, full edition of this important book is now in process of being pub­
lished, full size. This book was one of the two or three that did more to
BUILD THIS CHURCH than any others.
Continue in Ezekiel 34: "But" (even though you did not seek to locate
the lost House of Israel, you were ministers AMONG THEM, unknown to your­
selves, and) "with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. And they
were scattered (spiritually into many sects and denominations), because