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In the past 18 months, diabetes was healed, and now a very bad heart
attack. God's goodness is beyond understanding.
--William E. Westcott (Ptlsor, AR)
For the past two years, I was very sick with cancer and unable to work.
In September 1978 I was given three months to live.
The tumor in my stomach was 11 inches in diameter and my
ght kidney
was crushed. I had lost 45 pounds. But with a change of diet and
God's help I have survived.
In the beginning of January 1977, when this cancer was first diag­
nosed, I refused to go into the hospital for treatment. I changed my
diet. I was doing fine and I held my own until September 1978. When
I could no longer stand the pain, with coaxing from my family, I was
admitted to the hospital.
Because of the tumor's huge size, the only thing the doctors could do
was treat it with radiation and chemotherapy. They could not operate.
I was anointed by a minister in the Springfield, Massachusetts church.
The radiation treatments began. The doctors could not tell me how many
treatments I would have to endure. One night before the 19th treat­
ment and during the 19th treatment, I prayed to God. "Father, you know
more about radiation than any doctor could ever know. If it be your
will, please help me to get well for I have not learned enough about
your ways. I have only been in your Church a very short time. I would
like some time to learn more."
When the day came for the 20th treatment, the doctors found, after
checking me, that the tumor had disappeared. After
x-rays and 4 ultra­
sound tests, they found no tumors, and my right kidney was back to nor­
mal as if nothing ever happened. To date, July 3, 1979, I have gained
back 40 pounds and no longer am I under a doctor's care. The cancer is
gone. The blood count is O.K.
--Roger F. Wapner (Springfield, MA)
rer-2ived the ancinted cloth and used it on a Thursday. On the
Saturday of the same week, I could find no lumps in my breast. I am
going to see the doctor this Wednesday to make sure as I had been
scheduled for surgery. The lumps were most uncomfortable. I feel
better now than I have for some time. Thank you for your prayers on
my behalf. I continue to pray for you and the Work, and the soon
coming of Christ!
--Mrs. Jerry Hartzog (West Jefferson, NC)
Comments About Mr. Waterhouse
My wife and I went to hear Mr. Gerald Waterhouse in Baltimore and
Wilmington, Delaware. We really enjoyed him! He backs you up 100%
and makes no bones about it.
--Mr. & Mrs. Ralph D. Hall (Port Deposit, MD)
It was Tuesday evening when we heard Mr. Waterhouse speak to us about
the soon-corning Kingdom of God 3nd the preparation fer it that the
Church of God is doing. It is rather beautiful and interesting the