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Work toward the 1979 Feast of Tabernacles is rapidly going ahead.
Feast Office plans to get the first run of housing confirmations in the
mail by early next week, with 80-90 percent of applications prepared for
the first confirmation run.
Mr. Sherwin McMichael met with Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong Friday, August 10
to discuss many facets of the Festival, including the solidifying of Mr.
Armstrong's personal appearance schedule at several of the U.S. sites this
Mr. Armstrong will announce his schedule in a letter to the ministry
in a future Pastor General's Report.
Mr. Armstrong and Mr. McMichael also discussed the ministerial speaking
schedule, which Mr. Armstrong reviewed for the second time.
Mr. McMichael
says ministers will be notified soon on their duties.
Mr. McMichael added
that the schedule is once again designed to spread the speaking opportuni­
ties to more Church pastors during this year's Feast of Tabernacles.
--Festival Office
Please do not send any applications to the Festival Office,
either in Tucson or Pasadena, after September 10.
Any new
members who have not sent in an application by that time
should go to the Housing Office when they arrive at their
assigned site.
For those who find they are unable to attend the Feast
and must cancel their reservations, the deposit refund
deadline is September 5.
All requests for refunds must be
postmarked by that date or within 10 days of the date printed
on the housing confirmation.
Even if you are no longer eligible for a refund, please do
let the Festival Office know if you will not be attending so
these rooms can be reassigned to others.
See your festival
adviser for the proper form
(Reservation Action Request).
This form and your confirmation slip should be mailed to:
Worldwide Convention Service, 300 W. Green St., Pasadena,
Remewber, most of the Housing Officers must be at their site
by the Day of Atonement in order to get all necessary pre­
Feast work done.
Any correspondence received too late cannot
be acted upon.
So please notify the Festival Office as early
as possible about any change of plans.
--Festival Office