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PJ...STOR GENERAL'S REPORT, August 14, 1979
Page 4
Great progress has been made in these past 15 months--but we are NOT
YET READY for Christ's return.
Let us continue with ONE MIND--the mind of Christ--spending more time
on our knees--drawing closer to HIM. HE is the HEAD of this Church!
The Minister's Conference for early next year will be held in Tucson,
Arizona, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 11, 12, and 13.
All reservations have been made.
served in special dining rooms at the
announced later whether all Preaching
the financial situation.
Ministers and wives will have food
Convention Center. It will be
Elders will attend--depending on
Excitement fills the air in Pasadena as the new sabbatical ministers begin
arriving for a year of challenges, development, and growth! Each of them,
as well as every one of us ministers worldwide, needs to recognize this is
a time to rededicate ourselves to the very special calling that the Great
God has given us.
We have a very great responsibility to the flock God has placed in our
care. And like any good shepherd who is truly concerned about the health
and condition of his sheep--truly concerned about leading them to whole­
some, nourishing pastures and sufficient water--we should keep our sheep
healthy, strong, and safe, thereby preventing any disaster from harming a
portion of the flock.
As Jesus says in John 10:14, "I am the good shepherd and know my sheep,
and am known of mine;" so we must also,�ministers of Christ, through
constant vigilance, and much personal contact, know our sheep and be known
of them, so that they can be.prepared to withstand all spiritual predators,
disease, and danger which could otherwise destroy the flock, or any portion
of it. We must earnestly and enthusiastically drive ourselves through fer­
vent prayer and fasting, to stay close to God, and by hard, selfless work
assist Mr. Armstrong in making God's church ready for the imminent return
of Jesus Christ.
Mr. Armstrong strongly urges the ministry to keep him informed about the
trends, problems, pertinent news, needs, and any matters that may require
his immediate attention.
The Ministerial Services Department is a service oriented department, de­
signed to assist the ministry in maintaining open communication with Mr.
Armstrong, as well as carrying on the day-to-day ministerial operations as
it has done in the past.
The function of �1inisterial Services is to see