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MEMBER'S HOTLINE August 6, 1979
IN this revolt. God was in HIS CHURCH, and in a few months God added to
His Church more new members than the number who went out.
My son, Garner Ted, about this time began his own conspiracy to TAKE
OVER the Church--and if his father did not oblige him by dying, to put
Herbert W. Armstrong into retirement. Ted brought four or five men in
from the fi
to work on a peer basis with Wayne Cole in supervision over
the ministry.
After a period of time Mr. Cole managed to eliminate the others. Mr.
Cole managed to set himself up as "the head" of the Ministry.
When some of his personal aberrations became known, he was dispatched
to Canada and Garner Ted put Ron Dart in as "head" of the ministry. He
was to a great extent a "Yes-man" to Garner Ted, and Ted's conspiracy to
take over the Church--by cutting his father off from the ministry, and
by taking authority never delegated to him in two areas--Policy setting,
and doctrine.
Ted and others had lobbied aggressively to get the college accredited.
I refused for some time, saying it would be impossible to achieve accredi­
tation and keep it GOD'S college. Their persistence, assuring me we could
achieve accreditation and still keep it God's college, finally caused me
to say, "Go ahead, then."
Result? A number of PhD's from various universities were brought into
the college, and the Big Sandy student body was moved to Pasadena. Bib
truth was being rapidly watered down and permissiveness escalated. God
Almighty and Jesus Christ were virtually thrown out of the college--and
were rapidly being thrown out of the Church!
During these years from 1970 on,
was overseas a great deal of the
time--even up to 300 out ot the 365 days of the year. Garner Ted had
threatened �inisters, or those who knew what was going on, with being
fired if they communicated to me what was being done.
There came to be a total lack of response from ministers when I re­
peated requests during 1975 and thereafter. I was being SHUT OUT of all
authority in the Church Christ had used me in starting and building.
Ministers were crying for more and more watering down of truths Ch st
had put into His Church through His Apostle. For example, a number of
ministers either had never been really converted, or had slipped so far
from Christ by lack of prayer, that it was too embarrassing for them to
annoint and pray for healing. They were demanding that healing be elimi­
Meanwhile, in these same years, a small group of self-professed
"intellectuals" were busy preparing the STP (Systematic Theology Project).
I had repeatedly asked ministers or members to contact me personally
on problems in the field--but my requests fell on deaf ears.
Mr. Dart was sent away by Ted to Texas on a sabbatical for further
study at the University of Texas. Garner Ted then brought C. Wayne Cole
back as "head of the ministry." He was 'l'ed's tool, working with Dr. Robert