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MEMBER'S HOTLINE August 6, 1979
Page 2
Now we are near the end of the 6,000 years. Christ is soon to come
and set up the KINGDOM OF GOD and rule all the earth once again with the
Forty-six years ago, Cod raised up Herbert W. Armstrong, opening his
f'.1ind to GOD'S TRUTH, using him as Christ's instrument in raising up the
present era of the CHURCH OF GOD.
Through Mr. Armstrong, Jesus Christ RE­
STORED THE GOVERN1'.11EN'l' OF GOD--not, of '.'.:course, yet over the wo::::·1.d, but over
the Ch'...ffCh--·as t.r.e ONLY PLACE GN EARTH where tr,e GOVERNMENT OF GOD is
administered, prepar�ng for the SOON-COMING OF CHRIST IN SUPREME POWER
0e.sus :·1tr.i.c;:t is com::_ng this second time 'I'O HIS TEMPLE. The CHURCH OF
GOD is to
"unto an holy TEMPLE in the Lord"
(Eph. 2: 21)
--the TEMPLE
Le which Christ shall corne. Christ. set GOD'S GOVERNMENT in the Church.
But today the ':.r.
_:rc'1. is composed of HUMANS, subject to human error-­
chough humans chosen and led by CHRIST (as was David--a man after His own
heart--who corrected his mistakes) will likewise correct errors when led
to see them by Christ.
The present era of the Church of God started small--19 newly-converted
members. The Work of God, however, GREW.
Some mistakes were naturally
made, but corrected whe� Christ revealed them.
Ambassador College was founded in 1947. After a few years a number
of small local churches were growing up, ministered by ordained graduates
of Arilias s ador College.
In those early days I used Raymond Cole, a pioneer student, as a
" to restore peace where frictions had developed. He set
�p an office �t Big Sandy, Texas. I moved him to Pasadena. Soon he moved
to Euge�e, O�egon. It was becoming extremely difficult for him to direct
the c�owi:-ig ministry from there.
1'. CX:J (Church Adrninistration Department) was set up in Pasadena, with
Rode�ick C. �eredith administering the department.
By about 1971 my son, Garner Ted Armstrong, had removed Mr. Meredith
from that office, sent him to England as Dean of the Faculty, and installed
Davi� \ntion as Director of the Ministry. This was a mistake, but not then
!t became apparent by 1974 that David Antion had gone too far.
A =or.spiracy was growing among certain of the ministers to bolt the
Church of God, or, they hoped, through David Antion and Albert Portune at
Ht=;ac'quart�rs, to simply TAKE OVER the Church of God. The conspiracy was
th:.;art.�d. But Mr. Antion decided his LOYALTIES were with the ministers,
not the Apostle Christ had raised up and used in BUILDING the Church.
�he ministerial revolt, however, resulted in some 35 ministers leaving
the :�hu!:"ch, : _
wd taking two or three thousand members with them.
M�. Armstrong succeeded in persuading Mr. Antion to stay with the
A small few of the revolters formed what they called "The Asso­
cic.1ted Church of God," with headquarters in or near Washington, D.C. A
r:1ini_sb?:'.'S t0ok a po:ction of their local members with them, each forming
his own little �ocal church. However it all came to naught. GOD was not