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Saw Lay Beh, our leader in Burma, recently reported in a letter the follow­
ing unusual situation that arose on a recent visiting tour he made to the
northern Chin Hills district of Burma. We include it for your interest.
"On my recent trip to the Chin Hills, while at a village where several
members live, I was asked by a member's father {who is a Catholic pastor
there) to speak to the villagers--Catholics and Baptists--who gathered
on the occasion of the building of a tomb for the son of Mr. Tum Kio whc
died a year ago. Then with the help of our assistant, Mr. Thomas Hoe,
as interpreter (I spoke in English) to about 150 old and young, for about
a half hour on the origin of Satan and the purposes of Christ's first
coming and his second coming.
They listened attentively and they were very amazed and astonished with
the TRUTH they were never taught or fed--and as it is, their church leaders
themselves are totally ignorant of--the living truth that we have wonder­
fully got from God through His apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong! Their
pastor listening from a little distant spot (might be he would feel ashamed
if he came near and listened openly), later said that he had never heard
of this kind of truth before, though he graduated, with first position,
from their Bible School. Yes, they at least heard a small part of the
truth, and I do not know how many will react to the truth they had neard,
but our great commission from our Lord Jesus Christ is to preach the gospel
to the world as a witness! As I could have inferred from what I have
experienced each trip to the Chin Hills, prospect for furture gospel work
in the Chin Hills State, especially, is very good and encouraging."
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
520CKWAVES POUND AMERICA'S "SOFT UNDERBELLY": The victory of the Sandi -
nista rebels in Nicaragua is a portent of a great upheaval to occur
throughout Central America and the Caribbean area. And what a role
Havana is playing in America's downfall!
A new "domino theory" is in full operation: Today Nicaragua; tomorrow El
Salvador and Guatemala, both of which are "full of dry kindling"--home­
g-cown Marxist insurgents in the bush, trained in Cuba, inspired by the
Sandinista victory. And that's just the beginning of trouble for the
United States in the area commonly called "America's Soft Underbelly."
In �icaragua, the pro-Cuban Marxists are not in complete control--yet.
:'-1:.ich of the revolutionary council is composed of nationalist revolution­
nries united, on the surface, by their hatred of the deposed dictator
Anascacio Somoza. The Sandinistas are split into three main factions-­
but the most powerful is the pro-Cuban group. The Communist element is
clever, too. Reconstruction of war-torn Nicaragua will take 4 to 5
billion dollars, much of it expected to come from the United States (Cuba
and Russia can't afford it!). Gullible Washington will probably come
across with the money--hoping it can gain the favor of the moderates.
Meanwhile the revolutionary junta is nationalizing practically every
important industry in the country but will allow foreign private banks tc
operate in order to maintain a non-Communist facade.