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Here is an update on three projects we have been working on in PT Circula­
tion: Responses are now all in from the letter we sent to subscribers
who were getting the magazine before it went to tabloid format and who
did not renew when a $5 donation was suggested.
have added 44,500
of these former subscribers back on the mailing list, many of whom ex­
pressed gratitude at the opportunity to �subscribe.
Also, we have gained 10,400 new subscribers from an envelope which was
stitched into The Plain Truth offering a gift subscription to a friend.
This envelope will be used again in the August U.S. PTs which are printed
in England. In the same edition which is printed in the U.S., we will be
inserting a Reader Service Envelope. This is designed to help the sub­
scriber notify us of name or address changes, subscription problems or
literature requests. When last used in February, 5,800 people sent them
--Roger Lippross, Publishing Services Director
The German Work needs some help in a very important matter. We need about
�to 30 more brethren1:.c)attend the Feast of Tabernacles at Karlsbad, in
Czechoslovakia. This is necessary to assure our being able to continue
to have a "real" Feast behind the Iron Curtain for our brethren in East
Germany, Poland and Yugoslavia.
Last year God gave us favor with the Czech government and they permitted
us to hold the Feast with their full approval at the beautiful health spa
at Karlsbad. This year they want us back but they want a minimum of 120
attending and we are still between 20 and 30 short of that goal. The
Czechs do not feel it is worth their while if we are only 85 as last year.
They, of course, are interested in the foreign exchange our people from
the West bring.
Many of those attending Karlsbad last year, especially families with
children, have expressed their desire to return again this year. It is
a very lovely Feast site.
First class accommodations including breakfast and one warm main meal costs
$23.50 per person, per day (children 3 to 12: $19.50), and second class
is only $16.00 (children $12.00). Babies under 3 are free.
We provide a professional-quality, simultaneous translation of all ser­
vices into English.
If anyone in your congregation could attend at Karlsbad and help keep this
door to the Iron Curtain open for our brethren there, we can assure a
memorable and blessed Feast experience.
Please contact the Bonn office of Ambassador Colleqe, POPPELSDORFER ALLEE
53, 5300
BONN, WEST GER.MANY by air mail or telegram. The phone number is
Bonn 218061.