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PA�TOR'S REPORT July 30, 1979
Page 14
gained by multiple thousands of the public to the name and content of The
PLAIN TRUTH via the display and audio-visual presentation.
In some cases the recent promotions have more than doubled PLAIN TRUTH
circulation in a particular town and in most a substantial increase has
been achieved.
As of July 20th almost 14,000 responses had been received to a total of
36 recent advertisements in national newspapers and special-interest
magazines offering booklets and/or The PLAIN TRUTH magazine. Many more
are expected before the final figure is known.
Over 6,500 of the present total have come from 8 insertions advertising the
booklet Why Were You Born?
(2,009 from The Sun alone). The Occult
�xplosion has been requested by over 2,500� also froM 8 ads, while The
Seven Laws of Success has reached
homes via 10 insertions. Other
booklets advertised in selected media were Building a Happy Family, Does
God Exist? and Principles of Healthful Living.
New Zealand
Income for the first six months of 1979 is 30.7% up on the same period last
year, with June's figure registering a 12.7% increase. We received 25.2%
more mail than in June 1978, bringing the year-to-date mail count to a
plus 67.7% over last year. The Pentecost offering was up 39.4%, with
attendance up 12.8%. The cumulative total for holy day offerings this
year is 33.8% higher than that for last year.
The New Zealand economy is in real trouble, and the Government's annual
budget, delivered during June, contained very bad news for God's Work.
Postal charges for registered magazines were increased by a staggering
80% and rates for letters and other articles were increased by 40%. In
one fell swoop, this has lifted our annual postage bill by $30,000, causing
us to have to seriously rethink our budget. If Satan wanted to deal a
blow to God's Church and no one else, he certainly hit on the way to do
it. Of all organizations affected by the governmental budget, we got hurt
the most!
Responses to our ongoing householder card promotion of The PLAIN TRUTH and
The Dilemma of Drugs are still flooding in, bringing our current PLAIN
TRUTH mailing list to 37,750.
--Compiled by Rod Matthews, International Office
EURO-PARLIAMENT UPDATE: On Tuesday July 17, the first session of the en­
larged and directly-elected European Parliament convened in Strasbourg,
France. The first order of business for the 410 delegates was the election
of the assembly's president. The post went to a woman--Simone Veil of
France. Mrs. Veil, 52, the former French minister of health and social
services, is also a Jew. She and her family were taken from France to the
Auschwitz death camp in 1944 when she was 17 years old. She alone survived
the ordeal--with a tatooed concentration camp number on her arm which she
conceals to this day beneath long-sleeved dresses.